Cobra x Reader x Midnight!

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I'm not sure who requested this but here you go! (You're a dragon slayer in this; E/T: Element type)


I sigh heavily, pacing around in cell I shared with Cobra and Midnight. I somehow got myself into this mess with these two knuckle heads of Oracion Seis. You must wonder what had happened that got me in this mess...let's start from the beginning.


"Here you go Mira, this is the job I want." I say handing Mira the job from the bulletin board.         

"Are you sure Y/N? You don't want Erza or anyone to go with you?"

"It'll be fine. How can I be an S-Class wizard if I can't even do a simple S-Class job by myself?"

"All right. We'll see you in a few days Y/N, good luck!"

I walk out the guild doors with the job offer in hand. Not too long ago, I became an S-Class wizard since I won the S-Class Trials. So today, I decided to go on my first S-Class mission. Not too long of a mission, only 3 days; but my job was to defeat two apparently strong wizards that were vandalizing a city. Should be a piece of cake right? Two wizards? No problem! I hope...

-Time Skip-

I arrive at the city, showing the mayor my guild mark on my B/P and walk through the gates into the city.

"So these wizards...ever get a good look at them?" I ask looking around the town.

"Sadly no...we were afraid to go out at night and we didn't dare look out our windows."

"At night? So they come out at night only? Do they do anything?"

"Well they steal money from our banks, and rob the houses of the money as well. There's not much we can do about it..."

"I see...well, I'll stay the night then and see if I can deal with them then."

"Thank you. You'll stay in that inn over there." the mayor says pointing towards the inn.

"Alright, thank you. If you don't mind, can I continue to look around?"

"Of course, take all the time you need. If you need anything I'll be in city hall." 

The mayor walks away, as I continue walking around town. I ask the town people if they've seen what the thieves looks like, but none of them have seen anything. I take a look around the bank and the houses but find no clues.

"Ah, either these thieves are really good at hiding their tracks, or there's no thieves at all..." I say with a sigh, heading up to the inn.

I walk into the inn and head to the front desk. I ring the bell, and wait a few seconds but no one comes.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I ask.

No answer...

I walk behind the front desk and look around. I notice a door that is cracked open slightly. Must be janitor's closet or something. I walk towards the door, opening it slightly and peeking in. Nothing, as expected. 

I sigh turning around before I suddenly feel someone's presence behind me. Alright Y/N, slowly turn around all nice and calm...

"Roar of the E/T!" 

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