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//Hey guys, welcome to my newest story! I'm Rogue_Wolfe, and this is a story about if Rogue from X-MEN was in the Avengers universe and she had more than one ability. She will have a relationship with one of the Avengers, I'm not saying who. Also, this is set in the beginning of 'Captain America: Winter Soldier' and goes into 'Age of Ultron' , 'Doctor Strange' 'Civil War' and hopefully 'Infinity war' once it comes out. So enjoy that.

 Let me introduce her to those who don't know Rogue:


AGE: 20-years-old

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AGE: 20-years-old

SKILLS: She has the involuntary ability to absorb and sometimes also remove the memories, physical strength, and superpowers of anyone she touches through skin-to-skin combat. Therefore, Rogue considers her powers to be a curse. She is very skilled at hand and hand combat thanks to some training to help her the struggle. She has enhanced strength and enhanced eyesight. Lastly, she has the power of Telekinesis. It is to be believed she wasn't born with the enhances senses or the telekinesis and that she was experimented on and that made her gain these abilities. 

Okay so that's it for the introduction, let's get right into the story!//

     Fury sat in his office thinking about something. He had a bad feeling about today. He didn't know why. Lately, SHIELD has been acting kind of weird and it's making Fury a bit jumpy.

     After the Avengers were made, they've been on little missions here and there. Thor hasn't come back to Earth except once and it wasn't for the Avengers. Mostly, it's been quiet which kind of worries Fury. It's never quiet. Never.

     Fury has his own stuff to deal with here at SHIELD. He needed to focus. Lately, there was has been weird sightings in space. NASA can't explain it. First, Fury thought it was Thor and the Asgardians but then remembered that's defiantly not how that looks like. So, he has no explanation for it.

     Fury's thoughts were interrupted by two agents rushing into his office.

     "Director Fury, there was an explosion in New Mexico in an empty field. Some of the townspeople said they saw something fall from the sky before the explosion!" They announced.

     Fury first thought was Thor. The first time he was on Earth was from New Mexico. "Thor-like?" He asked.

     "We don't think so, sir. It looks way different." One of the Agents tells him.

     "Send men to check it out, bring back whatever you find even if it's just a paper. Bring it back." Fury ordered.

     The two agents followed his orders and flew out with some men to New Mexico. They flew over the field. All of it was burnt to a crisp. There was a crater as if something had fallen. As the plane landed, Agent Grant was leading the men. He got out of the chopper and approached the crater carefully.

     Grant looked down the small crater and saw something that surprised him... "Call Fury, we found something." He ordered as he stared at the bottom of the crater where a girl laid unconscious. She had dark brown hair but she also had streaks of white in it. She wore a skin-tight black outfit. The top of it had an 'X' on it and so did the black belt. 

    What did 'X' mean, Grant wondered as he came down the crater, he noticed the girl was unscathed. He checked her pulse and saw she was alive. "Well, I'll be damned." He whispered and he picked her up to take her back to headquarters. 


     Fury went into the room as Agent Grant explained what they had found. He wasn't surprised they found a person in that crater. The last time something like this happened, Thor was in the crater. Now its a girl. 

     They entered the room that the girl was being held in. She was still asleep. The doctor there had done her vitals and tests to see what she was. Fury was convinced she wasn't human. 

     "Director Fury, I'm glad you're here." The doctor said as he noticed them enter.

     "So, what is she?" Fury asked getting straight to the point.

     "She's... Human."

     "What?" Fury looked at the girl and back at him "that's impossible. No human can survive that kind of fall and no human falls from space!" He shouted.

     "Well, her kind does survive that kind of fall." The doctor said.

     "Her kind?" Agent Grant asked.

     "She's a mutated human. Mutation, I've studied it. It isn't supposed to happen for thousands of years. We have reason to believe she isn't from our universe." The doctor said as he put down his stuff.

     "Then how is she human if she isn't from here?" Fury asked getting annoyed.

     "Parallel Universes. We've studied them. We haven't had much proof until now. Her body structure, her genes... They are all different than us. But she is human. Which she probably knows a different kind of Earth than we know." He explained.

     "Are you saying, this girl is a Mutant from another Earth?" Fury asked hoping that wasn't what he was saying. That would mean new problems from the eye can see.

     "Director, that's exactly what I'm saying."

     Fury huffed as he looked over to the girl, he noticed her uniform had the 'X' symbol. What did it mean? He wondered. What could it possibly mean? Suddenly, the girl's eyes opened...

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