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     Rogue talked to Steve's doctors. He was found on the edge of the water. Someone had pulled him out. He was shot in the gut, leg, and the thigh. He's lucky to be alive, they say. She was glad he was alive honestly, she admired him, she didn't know why but she did.

    Sam is back in Steve's room. But, Rogue wanted to see about when he'd wake up. Also, Nick had erased Rogue's file before Natasha had released everything. He told her that if the government found out how she got here, it would end badly for her. Which, is very true. 

     Rogue went back to Steve's room, when she went in, she saw him awake and talking to Sam! "Steve, you awake!" She said with a smile, she half wanted to hug him but remembering ability stopped her as she fiddled with her hands, "you had me worried there for a second."

      "I'd never leave you to deal with this crazy earth alone, Rogue," He responded with a weak smile. 

     "When can he get out of here?" Sam asked.

     "In a few days, they said. So until then, he's stuck here." Rogue said before putting on her jacket.

      "Where are you going?" Steve asked.

     "I have to pick up Nat, she just met with the government. She needs a ride. Don't wait up." She told him as she held his hand with her gloved one for a second, she gave him a comforting smile before leaving the room.

     Rogue left the hospital and got in her car, she drove to the courthouse and saw Natasha waiting on the steps, "get in Miss I'm-A-Scary-Spy."

     "About time," Natasha grinned as she got in and buckled up.

     "How did it go?" Rogue asked as she drove down the road. 

     "As well to be expected. They seemed to not trust me given my past. But, I told them they need me and the rest of us." She explained.

     "Us?" Rogue asked.

     "Yes, us. Your an Avenger now Rogue. You qualify." Natasha told her.

     "Yes. I guess I am an Avenger."


     About a month later, Steve had fully recovered and Nick had called him to meet up at the cemetery. Steve brought Sam and Rogue along. They stood at Nick's grave. Rogue had to admit when she thought Fury died. She believed it. Like everyone else. 

     "So you've experienced this sort of thing before?" Fury asked from behind them, they looked at him as he approached. 

     "You get used to it," Steve told him.

     "We've been data minding Hydra's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to New York tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come." Nick explained.

     "There's something I got to do first," Steve answered.

     "How about you, Wilson? Could use a man with your skills." Nick asked.

     "I'm more of a Soldier than a spy," Sam said.

     "Rogue, you up for it?" Nick asked.

     Rogue thought about it. She didn't have much to do here and she did like the action. She'd learn a lot on the way. "Why not? It'd be fun." Rogue answered. 

     "Are you sure?" Steve asked looking at her, he didn't admit it but he would like to keep her around some more.

     "Yeah, I want too. Maybe on the way, I can see if I can find anything on Bucky for you," she told him.

     "Well anyone asks for me, tell them they can find me right here," he told them, he then nodded to Rogue, "meet me tonight at the airport," he said and walked off.

    Natasha had walked up, Steve went to go talk to her along with Sam, Rogue waited by herself for a second before the three came up to her- or well Natasha did.

    "I got it," Natasha began, "the answer the riddle."

    "What riddle is she talking about?" Sam asked confused.

     Rogue gave a concerned look, "I don't know but I'm scared."

     "So, Steve, you need a date," the moment she said those words Steve groaned, "and you said shared life experience, a person out of time, a fossil- wait that doesn't really qualify," she snuck a glance at Rogue, "uh you know what I mean, so here's my idea. Rogue."


    "Stop trying to find me a date," Steve pleaded sending an apologetic look to Rogue.

    Natasha deadpanned, "what? It's a good idea!"

     Later that night, Rogue packed all her new clothes and her uniform. She headed to airport and found Fury, he was waiting just like he said.

     "You ready?" Fury asked.

    Ready... After everything maybe this will prepare her for what her life will be like her, for a mutant like her, a normal happy human life was off the table. This is sadly what she is meant for. Curse or no curse. This is where she needs to be.

     "I'm ready," Rogue told him, "let's go."

Rogue -The Avengers-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang