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//Quick heads up! This chapter Rogue will go into Doctor Strange. She will not be one of the main characters for it, though. It'll be like a... Cameo sort of?

Lets just get into the story...//

     It had been a year since the fight with Ultron. Rogue had left the Avengers in hopes to find more allies for when the 'Infinity' War does come. Thor had given her this mission before he left. She wants to keep it. And told Steve that she needs to do it. Steve understood and let her go. Rogue will be back to help the Avengers but for now... She needs to find the allies they need to help defeat the one who seeks the Infinity stones. 

     With Tony's help over the web, he leads her to one destination the next. Rogue had been all over the world. Talking to person to person. She hadn't really found any leads until she went east and found people that could actually help her...

     Rogue wore her hood as she went down the street. She this was foreign land but it was where Tony sent her to... She walked down an alleyway people surrounded her, she knew this was trouble. She looked down at her wrists making sure the device was still hooked up which it was. 

     "Look, fella's you don't want to do this," Rogue told them.

    "Give us your bag," One of the men ordered.

    Rogue groaned and put down her hood, they must have recognized her because of the men took out a gun and pointed it at her ready to shoot! She was about to take them out with her telekinesis the invisible blasts knocking them down when a man in a cloak started to take them all out! She watched in amazement and the man knocked out the last one.

    "Follow me," the man told her.

   "Excuse me?" She asked.

   "You came seeking for us if you want us, you must follow me," the man explained looking straight at her.

    "Fine," she said and followed her to a door.

   The knocked on the door in a certain pattern and it opened. Rogue followed him inside. Once they were in. She saw a woman with a yellow cloak on. She smiled at Rogue brightly as if she knew her.

   "Marie D'Ancanto; Rogue. The X-Men girl turned to an Avengers," the woman spoke.

   "How do you know that?" Rogue asked as she touched her belt for her gun but it was gone! She turned and saw the man holding it. 

    "Guns are not allowed here," the woman told her.

   "That isn't the only weapon I have," Rogue said.

   "Oh I know, your powers are extraordinary. I was lived in your old Earth. Before it was destroyed..." The woman stopped at the look on Rogue's face, "you didn't know?"

   "I... I expected it... But..." Rogue looked down, tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't believe this. The world she once known was gone... Then she realized what the woman had said. She had lived in her Earth but is in this one. "How?"

    "How what?" The woman asked as if she was stupid.

    "Do not act like I'm stupid! How did you get from too my old Earth to this one? Who even are you?" She asked.

    "I am the ancient one. My followers. This place. We have different names. Some called us the timekeepers. Or the peacekeepers. Either one works. Mr. Stark sent you here for a reason, Rogue. To find us. To see what we can do," the woman smiled, "come and see."

    The ancient one began to walk off, Rogue was unsure of following her or not. But, she knew she had no choice. She began to follow her and they entered the outside where there were lines of students doing some kind of magic. 

   "Strange," The woman called out and a man in the same robes the students had looked at her, "come over here, I want you to meet someone."

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