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     Sam was on the roof ready to step in, Rogue was with Steve. But, he told her not to follow him inside of the apartment just in case he is in there. When Steve went in, Rogue stood there unsure if this was the best idea. Of course, she wasn't exactly a fan of the accords so it's better than sitting with Tony as he argues how great they are... She wondered if he even cared that she would have to tell them everything. What will they do to her once they find out? If they think Thor isn't trustworthy, she definitely won't be in their minds... Her thoughts were interrupted by her hearing cops pull up front. She needed to warn Steve.

     Rogue debated in her head whether or not to go in. She could hear incoherent talking from inside, obviously, Steve was talking to Barnes and she was unsure about going in but she groaned knowing she has to go in, Rogue opened the door and they both looked at her, "they're here."

     "I wasn't in Vienna, I don't do that anymore," Bucky spoke, his voice strained.

     Steve stepped a little closer carefully, "well the people who think you did are coming here now."

     Bucky looked down thinking about what he was saying as if he knew what he had to, "you do realize they don't plan on taking you alive, right?" Rogue asked stepping up making him look at her. 

     "That's smart," he nodded, "good strategy."

     Steve blinked nervously, "this doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck."

     "It always ends in a fight," was all he said as he took off his glove revealing his metal hand.

     Rogue shared a nervous glance with Steve as time was running down, "you pulled me from the river!" Steve brought up, "why?"

     "I don't know," Bucky avoided.

     "Yes you do," Steve pushed.

     Suddenly Sam warned them of a breach and as a grenade flew it, Rogue used her telekinesis to make it fly out the window it came in! Another grenade flew in and hit the ground, Steve used his Shield to stop it!

      Suddenly someone shot through the window at Bucky but he pulled the mattress up to block it! As they heard slamming on the door, Bucky threw the table to block the door for now but that wasn't the worst of it as soldiers flew in through the windows!

      As they started to fight the soldiers, Rogue made sure there was no permanent damage to them... Bucky punched a guy in the face and he flew out the outside door! As went to towards the door Steve grabbed his arm, "Buck stop!" Bucky looked at him, "your gonna kill someone."

      Bucky immediately flipped Steve on the ground! Rogue wanted to help but Steve shook his head as Bucky raised his metal fist, Steve flinched thinking that would happen but Bucky had punched through the floor and pulled out a bag, "I'm not gonna kill anyone."

    He threw his bag out the door and onto the other roof, that was when suddenly a soldier came through the window and started shooting but Bucky shielded it with his arm before Steve shielded both of them with his Shield! Rogue attacked the guy from the back and dropkicked him before knocking him out! She stood up a bit out of breath when another soldier came through the other window before she could go fight, Bucky threw Steve at the guy and they both ended up on the balcony!

     Rogue and Bucky shared a glance before looking at the lone soldier, the guy started to shoot at them but Bucky jumped in front and blocked the bullets with his hand before grabbing the guy and throwing him in a shelf! 

     Another soldier came up behind Bucky but Rogue jumped on his back and wrapped her legs around his neck (she learned this from Nat) and chocked him as she brought him onto the ground! She got up, she hadn't noticed he was watching her do that...

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