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     They had arrived in Berlin and were waiting for other members who agreed to come to show up. Rogue sat in the car in the backseat with Bucky and Sam was upfront. She hadn't said much of anything since what happened which of course worried the others but they were too nice to say anything.

     Steve got out of the car to go greet Sharon who had brought their stuff for them. Rogue could listen in if she wanted but she decided not to, watching Steve made her memory trigger to how they first met for some reason.

     "Can you move your seat up?" Bucky's question to Sam broke her concentration on said memory.

     Sam didn't move an inch, "no."

     Rogue rolled her as at there rivalry, and she went to move Sam's seat up forcibly with her telekinesis but when her arm shook from her tries she got scared; she got so used to using the telekinesis that her arm had never shaken like that for a year but now it's shaking again and she doesn't have that device Tony made to help her control it.

     "Sam just move your seat up," Rogue pleaded as she grabbed her other hand to settle it.

     Sam didn't say anything or move, Bucky just clenched his fist, and Rogue got so annoyed her telekinesis worked without her even moving her hand and Sam's seat moved up making him jump!

     "Rogue!" Sam yelled at her accusingly.

     Rogue just crossed her arms, "you're a child, both of you, get over your rivalry."

     "There's no rivalry, he just doesn't like me," Bucky muttered.

     Sam gave him a glare, "at least I don't pull steering wheels from cars."


     Sam ignored her, "I don't punch people randomly."

     "Sam for godsakes-"

     Sam continued talking, counting on his fingers, "oh I also don't try to SHOOT people all the time-"

      "SAM SHUT THE HELL UP!" Rogue yelled finally making him stop, she rubbed her head, "you're giving me a headache with your whining."

     Sam gave her an offended look, "my whining?"

     "Yeah your whining," Rogue said obviously.

     Sam's offended look got more accusing, "how dare you."

     Rogue just smiled at him sharply making him just stop talking, she just leaned back and tried to be comfortable, that little tangent made her be triggered another memory about how she met Sam, but just like the other one, it was interrupted.

     "Thank you," Bucky barely said to her before acting like she doesn't exist once again.

     Rogue just smiled, "your welcome," she said back but he didn't react and she looked back to where Steve was when she saw Sharon and Steve kiss...

     For some reason she felt a stinging feeling in her chest, she started to shake for a second before looking down trying to breathe.

     When Sharon left, Sam got Rogue's attention to tell her to get out of the car. As they got out, Steve walked up to Rogue. She felt a tight feeling in her chest, nervousness? Maybe? No, why would she be nervous?

     "How are you doing?" Steve asked concern laced in his eyes.

     Rogue shrugged, "I'm alive."

     Something Steve had noticed was how when she was upset she would respond with 'I'm alive' it was like a cue to know if she was upset. She would never lie if you asked if she was okay, she would just say 'I'm alive' showing she was alive but suffering.

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