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      Soon, they arrived at Avengers tower. Clint was rolled out to Dr. Cho by Natasha, Rogue followed Thor with the scepter. She was going to help him set it up in the lab. Steve and Tony were still aboard the Quinjet with Hill. 

     "Here," Rogue told Thor as they entered the main part of the lab, "this is where it supposed to be set."

     Thor set it down where she told him too and then he turned to her. 

    "So, you're comfortable here?" He asked and she looked at him confused, "I mean, in this Earth. You aren't from here. Every day I'm here I still feel like I'm missing something. Which is home."

     "Well... Even if I wanted to go back. There is no way to go back. So," Rogue looked down, "anyways, this is my life now. I care about keeping these people alive. The people I knew before... They would be proud to know what I'm doing here. It's what keeps me going." She explained.

     "Thats good, you should come to Asgard one day. You'd love it." Thor told her.

      "Maybe one day I'll take you up on it. But for now, I have things to do. Maybe I'll settle down here. Actually, get comfortable." Rogue answered her mind traveling to Steve, she had heard him talk about the same thing and even Tony as well but getting comfortable and settling down... Maybe that was impossible.


     A couple hours later, Rogue stands in Bruce's lab with Dr. Cho and Natasha, Clint was laying on the table. 

     "Are you sure he's gonna be okay?" Natasha asked, "pretending we need this guy really brings the team together."

     "There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous, his cells don't know their bonding simulacra." Dr. Cho explained.

     "She is creating tissue," Bruce said in awe.

     "If you brought him to my lab, the Regeneration cradle could do this in 20 minutes," Cho told them.

     "Oh, he's flat-lining. Call it. Time?" Tony joked as he came in with drinks.

     "No, no, no, I'm gonna live forever," Clint laughed. "I'm gonna be made out of plastic," He joked as Tony gave him his drink.

     "You'll be made of you Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference." Cho told him.

      "I don't have a girlfriend," Clint said as he glanced at over at Natasha and then Rogue, who grinned back at him.

     "That I can't fix," Cho turned to Tony, "this is the next thing, Tony. Your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust."

     "I'm sure we're all gonna be satisfied by that." Rogue joked nudging Tony.

     "Well, that is the plan," Tony responded as he nudged Rogue back.


     Rogue went downstairs, she saw Steve outside on the porch. He was watching the sky. Rogue wanted to tell him now about the Bucky thing but they just won a good victory and she didn't want to ruin that...

     Rogue went outside to Steve, "like the view?" She asked.

     "Yeah, I guess it's okay," Steve said.

     "Ouch, don't tell Tony that." Rogue joked as she walked up next to him. "You thinking about Bucky?" She asked.

     "Yeah, I just called Sam, he followed a lead but it was just another cold one," Steve told her sadly.

     "Maybe, he doesn't want to be found..." Rogue suggested.

     "He's not himself. He doesn't know who he is. He needs my help, Rogue. I can turn my back on him. Not now. Not ever." He explained his reason.

     "Well, I'm with you. You know that." Rogue told him as she touched his shoulder, he smiled at her. 

    "I know," Steve grabbed her gloved hand, "what would happen if I touched your hand without the glove," his voice wavered for a second realizing how weird that sounded, "sorry that sounded weird," he let go of her hand.

     Rogue smiled amused, "it's okay, and I don't reckon you wanna try it, you know I absorb everything. And I'd rather not want to put you in a coma or take out your super serum making you age until your 93 like your supposed to be because that would suck."

    "Yeah, it would," Steve looked at the sky again, "do you want to grow old? Get married? Have kids? All of that?"

    "I," Rogue paused, "I couldn't. I'm not sure I would even do any of that, anyone I touch I absorb so how would I find love, how would I get married and have kids?" Steve looks at her, "there's a reason I call it a curse. Honestly, who would love someone who could kill them with a kiss?"

    Steve smiled a bit, "anyone who would be lucky enough," she just shrugged pursing her lips as he stared at her for a second before looking back at the sky, "thank you for having my back."

    "I told you I would," Rogue smiled, "you enjoy your 'it's okay I guess' view," she said as he just laughed a bit, she walked back inside.

     Rogue went to her room and sat down on the bed. She changed her clothes and put her uniform up. She felt guilty for not telling Steve about Bucky. She promised herself she would. Who knows how angry Steve will be but she knows he has to know. And with that last conversation, she just, she cares about Steve and if she was him she would want to know. So he will, she'll tell him after the celebration. No matter how much Fury says it's a bad idea...

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