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     Rogue sat on the bed thinking about everything she had lost now that she's here. Everyone here thinks she is a monster. And she will never be accepted for them while she on this Earth. 'I need to get back, somehow...' Rogue thought 'But, Fury was right... Mutants. They're gone back in my old world. I'd be safer here.'

     The door opened and someone she didn't recognize came in. A guy with blond hair, he was really buff and he reminded me how buff Colossus and Logan were. It was because of their mutations. But, there are no mutations here... Right?

     "Who are you?" Rogue asked nervously.

     "I'm a friend. My name is Steve Rogers." He says as he leaned a hand to me to shake.

     Rogue looked at it hesitantly but she then remembered her manners. She shook his hand "Rogue," was all she said back to him.

     "Can I sit?" Steve asked, he was polite and he reminded Rogue of Professor X.

     "Go ahead," she replied.

     Steve sat down next to Rogue, she noticed him look at her gloves. "If you don't mind me asking... Why do you wear them?" He asked calmly.

     "I... Uh, have the power to absorb someone's energy. When I do it to humans for too long I can put them into a coma. But with Mutants- uh people with special abilities- I can take their power. I've killed mutants before on accident from holding too long," she explained looking down.

    Steve frowned, he knew she felt as herself a monster with no control. He understood. He wanted to help her. 

    "I understand. I really do. There aren't any mutants here... But, back in the 40s when I was around..." He glanced at Rogue who seemed even more confused and very focused on what he was saying. "I joined the war... I wasn't tall or muscular. I was brave though and I wanted to fight with my best friend in the war... So when they called for a volunteer for an experiment. I said yes. I was turned into what I am now. Super-serum. Everything was enhanced. I'm different than everybody and sometimes I feel like a freak and a monster around others too. I look like I'm in my late 20s. When in reality, I'm 95." He explained.

     To Steve's surprise, Rogue smiled at that. Everything he just said reminded her of the man that was like a father to her; Logan. "I knew somebody like that back in my old world. He didn't age technically to his mutation. He was in a lot of wars in his earlier life." She told him.

    "I wish I could have met him," Steve smiled, "I know you don't trust Nick- Or Fury like most people call him- but he has trust issues. He is still a good guy just watching out for his world. You understand that, right?" 

     "I do..." Rogue admitted.

     "You lost your old world. You're probably lost. I can help you." Steve began when the door opened again...

     Rogue looked up and saw another guy come in, she didn't recognize him either. He had dark brown hair and he had some gray jeans on and a long sleeve black shirt on that was rolled up to his elbows. She noticed a glowing white light on his chest...

     "We want to help you," Tony said and crossed his arms. He saw her look at his chest. "Oh, you're interested in this little thing?" He asked pointing to the thing on his chest. She just nodded for an answer. "I'm Tony Stark, by the way." He said as he held out his hand.

     "I'm Rogue..." Rogue answered as she shook his hands, she was surprised when he lifted his shirt up to his chest. She saw a round bright arc reactor that was in his chest. She was amazed actually. "What happened to your heart?"

    "Well, the people who did this to me tried to kill and proceeded. But then they put this inside of me bringing me back to life. Afterward, I just wanted to do something meaningful with my life so I became a superhero. Go big or go home." Tony said with a grin.

     She laughed. She thought for sure that Tony would be good friends with Logan. If only they could meet...

    "So, why you guys said you can help me. What do you want in return?" Rogue asked turning serious.

    "Well... You see Tony and I are a part of a team called the Avengers. We protect the world. Along with other heroes." Steve started to explain.

    "I was apart of something like that, we called ourselves the X-Men," Rogue said as she remembered all the times of the X-Men.

     "See! She already has experience!" Tony exclaimed.

    Rogue's eyes widened, "you want me to be on your team don't you?" She asked as she realized why they were here.

    "Technically, Fury wants you to be on the team," Tony added.

     "Stark," Steve warned knowing he was overstepping, "you don't have too, Rogue. We'll help you either way-" 

     Steve was interrupted by the door opening again. Fury stormed in looking stern. Tony whispered to Rogue that it's just his natural face.

     "I hate to break this up but Stark I want you to take Rogue to your tower. Teach her of this earth's tech and history. Maybe even train her. We'll talk about the Avengers afterward," he ordered and before they could argue, Fury left.

     "Yay, your coming with me!" Tony exclaimed acting like he got a new toy.

     Rogue looked at Steve who was shaking his head in annoyance. At least, she'll be out of this cage...


     Rogue stepped out of Tony's car, the tower was huge. She was used to huge buildings but defiantly not like this. Steve had to go on a mission for SHIELD so she was stuck with Stark all alone. 

     "This is your room," Tony said as he showed Rogue a normal room.

     "Thank you, Tony," she responded.

     Rogue looked at him, he nodded not sure how to respond to that. He gave her a tour of the whole Avengers tower. It was nice and she could tell Tony was rich and not just rich, a genius. The last thing he showed her was the lab. 

     "This is where I make things. If you're okay with it, I would like to study you..." He noticed Rogue's weird look at him, "for, uh, research purposes of course. Your genetics must be amazing. You could be the key to making Mutants in our own world."

     "That's okay, Tony. I would love to be studied by you. Can we do it in the morning? I'm tired." She asked and he nodded.

     "Okay, you know where your room is," He smiled, "see you in the morning."

     Rogue sat in her room, she noticed Tony got her clothes... She noticed something in her closet. She opened the door of the closet and saw her X-Men uniform. Maybe being on the Avengers team wouldn't be so bad until she gets back to her own world. Logan would like that.

     Tony stood at his bar and made him a drink, he stopped when he saw Rogue.

     "Want a drink?" He offered.

     "I want to be a part of the Avengers." She announced.

     Tony smiled widely at this, "good, we need you," he told her as he poured her a drink. He handed it to her, "I'm still offering this drink," she took it making him grin, "to the newest Avenger," He cheered raising his cup. 

     "To the newest Avenger."

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