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     Rogue sat on Quinjet, they were approaching the next Hydra base. They were almost sure that Loki's scepter was here. The last year she had gotten closer with this team, she had years and years of becoming a family with the X-Men, nothing can trump that, not yet anyway. But she cares about this team, the people on it, each one of them has flaws but are in their hearts great people who just are a bit lost in their own ways. And hell she is too, lost, but she is trying to be found.

     "Do you think this will be a code green?" Bruce asked as he sat next to her.

     "Maybe, are you ready for that?" Rogue asked.

     "Not really. But, I'll do what I can." He said.

     Rogue smiled at him and touched his hand sympathetically before standing up and going over to Steve. He was talking with Thor on could go. Ever since they found about the whole human experiment thing. They've expected Enhancements to come out but none has. Still, they expect it. Keeping guards up just in case.

    "Rogue, do you think you can control your telekinesis?" Steve asked when he saw her.

    "Probably not, but, training helps," She answered still weird with calling it telekinesis but it's what makes the most sense. 

    Steve nodded and they looked out the window... "We're approaching, sir," Jarvis told Tony and they knew it was time. Rogue went over to her bag and put her guns on her belt just in case and then she took her pill. 

     Ever since she started touching people more often. The memories sometimes overwhelm her just like what happened with Bucky. So she has to take this pill that Bruce made for her so she wouldn't get overwhelmed. 


     Rogue road on her Motorcycle (Steve taught her how to ride) in battle, every once and while she'd take out her guns and shoot whoever she passed! She passed Thor who was fighting some people and she grabbed one of the men and dragged him onto the ground before electrifying him with her taser!

     Steve passed her and threw his Shield taking out some guys ahead of them! They all got instance together and took out at least a dozen soldiers! Tony flew to the building but hit a barrier!

     "Shit!" Tony cursed.

     "Language!" Steve scolded him, Rogue laughed slightly. 

     "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Rogue asked.

     "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." Jarvis explained.

     Thor came down and hit two guys with his hammer, taking them out! "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount his defense without it," A guy came up behind Thor but Rogue came and grabbed each side of his head making him fall. "At long last."

      Natasha ran up and killed two guys, she took out two more and then looked around making sure there was no more approaching her. "At long last is lasting a little long, boys," Natasha shot a guy behind her.

     "I think your forgetting not all of us are guys," Rogue said as jumped back on her bike and shot two guys coming straight for her.

    "Well, most of us are guys so," Natasha answered.

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