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      Rogue kept her cool in front of people but she couldn't say she thought of taking these guys out and getting the hell out of there. But she had full confidence that her team will get her.

     But for now she'll have to wait, Rogue sat in an empty room, it wasn't exactly a cell but it wasn't a high-class room either...

     That was when a woman came in, she was dressed up very high class, "hello Marie," she said.

     "My name is Rogue," Rogue corrected her sternly.

     The Woman's smile faltered for a second before she just smiled again, "of course, my apologies," she grabbed something and Rogue saw it was clothing in her hands, "I ask for you to please change into these."

     Rogue stood up from the floor as she walked over to the woman unsure, "why?"

     "Because its procedure, your clothes will not do," the woman explained.

     Rogue had an off feeling about this but she had to do what they said, "fine."

     She took it from the woman, "one more thing put this on in front of me," she handed her a sort of collar...

     "What is it?" Rogue asked.

     The Woman just smiled, "its a tracker, you understand don't you?"

     "I guess..." Rogue replied as she put the collar on.

     The Woman's smile grew, "thank you for your cooperation."

     And with that the woman left the room, Rogue unfolded the outfit, it was odd and it seemed familiar but she couldn't tell where she had seen it before... She shook it off as she started to undress knowing she had no other choice though she was very subconscious about this...

     Soon she was dressed in the outfit they gave her, it was all grey, even the gloves. At least it was comfortable but the entire situation sure was uncomfortable... Suddenly the door opened again and that woman came in, she picked up Rogue's old clothes before leaving the room not saying a word.

     "Strange," Rogue muttered to herself as she crossed her arms subconsciously... 

     She couldn't help but think about her life so far... From being in her home universe, being with Logan, being with Bobby, being with the Professor to being in this Universe and now being with all these people. Trusting new people. And having one of them betray her and tell the world she isn't from this universe. It's what got her here... It was obvious, she's angry at Tony. 

    Why? Why did he do it? She knows him, he has to have a reason. Rogue looked down feeling just down, does he even feel bad? Does he care? He cares about his team, he cares about her. Doesn't he?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

     Steve stood there after had contacted Clint and asked him to try to get Wanda, he looked at Sam and then at Bucky who just hated eachother so much, it was a little amusing but he was still worried about Rogue. He needed her as well.

     "We need to get Rogue," Steve spoke up.

     Sam nodded agreeing though Bucky was confused, "I thought we were missing someone, where is the absorber?"

     "She was taken for being from another Universe," Steve explained and the further confusion crossing Bucky's face made him chuckle, "I'll explain that later, I talked to Tony hoping he could fix it but he said that it wasn't up to us anymore."

     Sam sighed still angry that she was taken and Steve nodded at him understanding his pain right now but Bucky seemed to have an unsettled look on his face, "do we know who took her?"

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