Chapter 1

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The ride was silent, and filled with mine and Ashlyn's crying. This was not happening. But I couldn't convince myself... I left Clay.. my boyfriend... my first love..

Words can't describe how I feel. I guess one would be empty.

I need him

But no.. my dad of course decided to move on my birthday.. I wonder where we are moving again on my 15th birthday!? God I'm pissed.

"Audrey you'll live. He was just a boy."

Just a boy dad? Really? You got to be fucking kidding me. I don't answer and let my mom do the talking.

"Scott! Stop with that! You don't know how hard it is for her. For me even! Sheri and I became close friends! Look what you did! Interfered on all of us!" My mom shakes her head and looks out the window. I see a couple tears trickle down her cheek.

I officially have no respect for my dad. He has hurt all of us.

"Cheer up guys! C'mon! North Carolina will be a lot better then Alabama! " Oh how I wanted to scream.. but I know I would just choke up and jump out of the truck.

None of us answered my dad... as you can see we all practically hate him.

I grab my phone and I see I have a new text message. I smile as I see it's from Clay. But tears keep falling.

Your the strongest person I know babe Don't cry.. I promise I'll see you soon. Nothing can come between us. I love you!

He is right. Nothing will.


"If the neighbors come over like Clay and his family did. I might as well just hide. " I was mad.. but I fould the courage to hide it. Ashyln shrugs.

"I will too.." The move has hit her hard too. But the good part we get our own rooms.

We go our separate ways up staris followed by Blake. Of course I get stuck with the room with a balcony. Great.. someone can climb up and rape me. Just what I need.

My room was already purple. I guess I don't have to paint it.. The carpet was tan and fluffy and you could still see the marks of the bed of the old owners indented into the carpet.

The house was much bigger than the one in Alabama.. well our house was nice and big in Alabama, but this one seems even nicer.

I decide to touch up a bit if the neighbors are nice and not stuck up and decide to come meet us. I guess I will meet them. It's not like they're going to have a boy exactly my age and a boy exactly Blakes age.

I get out my makeup and sit in the corner of my new room. My bed isn't up here yet. Well, nothing is.

I apply some mascara and then some powder to cover up my tear stained cheeks. I set my make up to the side and stand up. Being my curious self I open the glass doors to the balcony. Carefully I walk out there and lean against the rail, Looking at the houses around me.

I could say they where really nice. Very nice actually. How am I going to fit in?

Not this again....

Without hesitation I turn around and walk back inside.. I was about to cry again but I hear Ashlyn's voice calling me. I wipe the stray tear off my cheek and run to where her voice is. I find her on the edge of the stairs. "C'mon, the neighbors are here."


We both slouch down the stairs as if we were both pissed and sad at the same time -well we are so..- Once I turn my head my jaw drops.

You got to be shitting me.

"Ok mom, this isn't funny anymore. First the LaBrant's, now the Grier's?" There behold stand Hayes and Nash. How does this happen to me? I was frazzled...

"Audrey. Now don't be rude." My mom scolds. Making me remember the time when the LaBrant's came to greet us. My heart rips more just thinking about it.

"Well I guess you know who we are." Nash chuckles. Hayes just keeps a dead stare at me.. as if he was eye rapeing me. A lot of girls would be like 'Holy shit I live next to Hayes and Nash' no.. I will admit I love both of them. And the rest of the Magcon Family. It's just.. Clay.. I got him and . I'm not going to ruin anything.

"Yeah, you guys are hilarious." I laugh less rudely. Ashyln just stays behind me.

"Do you want us to show you around? " Hayes asks but before I can answer Blake comes stomping down the stairs.

"Hey its those guys that My sister always watches on Vine." I mentally flip him off. He really just had to say that?!

I look at Hayes and Nash and they laugh. "We get that a lot." Of course they do... they're e Vine Famous. Like most girls, they would run up to them and hug the to death, but I don't want to give them any ideas that I like them in that way... Expecially Hayes.. but I'm sure he doesn't like me.. I mean we just meet.

Ok, this is getting awkward.

"So about showing you guys around..." Hayes travels off looking at me In the eyes. Eh, why not. It's not like hes going to take me out for ice cream.




"Clay are you still crying Clay? " I hear my little sisters voice ring through my room. I look up at her and quickly wipe away the tears

. "No.." I trail of, clearly lying to her.

Lily Climbs up on to my lap and looks at me confused. "Yes you are." She removes my hands from off my face. She gasps. "Clay! Stop it!" She gives me a huge hug and then a kiss.

She is so sweet. "Tell me whats wrong." She demands.

Am I going to tell my little sister how I feel and expect her to know what I'm talking about?

It's worth a shot...

"Lily, you know how mommy and daddy love each other? " She nods her head. Still hugging me.

"Very much they do." I can't help but smile a little... I love her so much.

"Well.... I know it's werid, but I love Audrey very much and I miss her." Lily looks at me sadly.

"Well why did she move then?" I feel a tear run down my cheek.

"God has a plan for everything. And I guess that was his plan for us..."

-Author's Note-


I love you guys! Thank you all!

Hope you enjoy this sequel as much as you did Thirteen and Loving It!



Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now