Chapter 2

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"What the hell?" I laugh. I swear, Hayes is the most retarded guy I've meet. But in a good way.

He just keeps on jumping over the cracks on the side walk like a ballet dancer. "I'm a professional dancer." Is all he says and I die laughing.

"Doubt it."

I was honestly having a good time. I just needed something like this to get my mind off things. Hayes is definitely a person that can make you laugh.

He looks at me hurt, but I know he is faking it. "Fine. I guess I just have to show you." I raise an eye brow at him, but he ignores it and grabs my hands. I'm a little taken back, but before I know it we are dancing down the sidewalk.

"I haven't even known you for a day and you are dancing with me." I chuckle. He does too. He takes my finger and spins me around. One of his arms wrapimg around me so our faces were nearly touching. I got an ache in my stomach as I slowly watched him lean in. Before he could do anything I fake a call.

"Oops! Sorry I better get that." I let go of Hayes's hand and grab my phone out of my back pocket, still pretending it was buzzing.

My heart was racing. Was he just going too-

Yeah... pretty sure he was.

All I could think about now was Clay. I still haven't told Hayes I have a boyfriend... I mean, it would be awkward and I don't want to do that with the only 'Friend like' person I know here.

Fuck my life.

"Hello?" I fake into the phone. Hayes awkwardly walks around in circles, not knowing what to do.

I pause for a bit pretending a person was talking to me. It's working. "Ok." I pause again. "Mhm," I do it once more. "Bye!" I pretend to hit end and shove it back in my pocket.

"Sorry about that. My cousin just wanted to know where I was." I lie. I feel horrible right now, but I don't want to scew things up with Clay. That would be the end.

"I see. But wait, why didn't I hear it buzz?"




C'mon Audrey, come up with something good.

"It only buzzed once and I felt my butt vibrate, so I knew someone had called." How embarrassing. I felt my butt vibrate?

Hayes laughs. "We all have those moments when our butt vibrates. " Making me laugh some, I see we have reached my new house. Great. As much as Hayes has been nice to me. -And not mention kiss me- I hate it here.

I need to go back to Alabama. I need to be in Clay's arms, laughing over the most stupidest things and just being ourselves.

I need to go back to Alabama. I need to see Amber. I need to hang with her and be able to laugh and joke around about really inappropriate jokes that only dirty minded people would get.

I miss them.

I also miss my old house.

I also miss- wait, Clay never gave me my birthday present. That's when my heart sinks.

And I know it was all my fault.

We were in the most biggest rush and I just remember pushing everything to the side that happened on my birthday.

I need him.

"Well, I better start unpacking! I'll see you tomorrow! " I cheerfully say. Even though in the pit of my stomach I felt like vomiting for feeling terrible for what I did.

"Yeah! Sounds good. Wait, Audrey, can I get your number? " I say yes, because I didn't want to be mean. I hand over my phone and I watch as he types.

And one thought comes to mind.

Am I leading him on?

Fuck! I mean, Duck!

I can't do that! What if he likes me? Well, I doubt it, but still! I can't see a guy like Hayes sad... that would break my heart.

He hands me my phone back and I wave 'Bye' to him. It seemed like he wanted to hug me, but I didn't want to do that, to give him any ideas that I could possibly like him. -Which I don't in that way. Don't worry-

I do like him as a friend though. And that's what we will ever be. Friends. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I'll have an amazing boyfriend and an amazing best friend.

Sounds awesome.

I turn on my heals and look down at my phone to see the new contact he added for him.

'Hot guy next door'

I just laugh to myself and look back to see if he is still there. He is not, so I decide to text him.

This shall be interesting.

Hey hot guy next door ;) this is the most awesomely awesome sexy hawt chick that just moved in from across the street.

I laugh and send it. I can admit, it does feel good to laugh, I really needed something -or someone, to take my mind from off the move.

Minutes later my phone buzzes.

Nah... I think I might just be a little hotter.

I giggle to myself and walk into my house. I see some of the main furniture in here while most stuff is in boxes.

I'm about to type back but a purplish bag catches my eye. Of course being me I walk over to it and lift it up. I see theres a 'To and From' thing haning on the side so I decide to see who its to.

There beholds my name.

To: Audrey

From: Clay ♡ xoxo

My heart melts.

How did this get here?

I sit down against the wall and start to open up the small bag. Taking out some tissue paper I find a small piece of paper.

I smile and open it.

To my beautiful girlfriend Audrey,

I hope you know I did get you something, but you have been so busy we haven't been able to sit down together and spend that moment opening it... so, this is just a little bit of it. When I come visit you, or you come visit me, I'll give you the rest. I love you babe

- Clayxoxo

Some tears fall down my face.

I really do miss him.

I look in the small bag to find a bracelet chain... just a bracelet chain.

-Author's Note-

So.... I'm tired... and I need to go to bed!!!! Haha, but I love you guys, so I decided to stay up and write a chapter!

Hope you liked it!!

Love you guys!

Remember...........too....... yeah I got nothing

BUT!!!! DO THAT!! Please! :)

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Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now