Chapter 10

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.


"You pedophile!" Ashlyn whispers to me, while all of us keep on glancing back at the little kids I just gave candy to.

"Do you realize their moms are going to flip? " Amber adds. I just keep on laughing . They worry to much.

"At least I don't have a pedophile smile," I pause for a bit and put on my best creepy face. "Or do I?" This time they are the ones laughing. I soon join in and it finally dies down.

"So why didn't Audrey coming with us to go get something to eat?"I open the door for them and we walk into the little shop. Thats when I answer Ashlyn's questions.

"She said she felt like she was going to throw up. So I didn't want to push her to come." I simply say walking up to the counter so the girl can take our order.

"She has been looking really pail lately. Any of you guys notice?" Amber states. Thinking back, she does look really pail.

"The heat maybe?" I raise an eyebrow, but the girls shake there heads. Before we discuss more, we all order and grab our food and find a window seat.

"She also has been acting different. " Ashyln takes a huge bite of her burger. Man that girl could eat.

Amber practically lools like she's gpnna jump out of her seat. "Yes! She has!! Like everytime we eat she just has to go to the bathroom!" This time she takes a bigger bite of her burger than Ashlyn even did.  She could eat, but her mouth was huge.

What Amber has said really makes me think... has she..? No.. Why would she?

That's when the worst possible thoughts come to me.

"Do you guys think she has been starving herself? Like.. throwing everything up that she eats?" That thought just made me sick to my stomach.  I couldn't imagine Audrey ever doing that.

I set down my burger and took small sips of my soda. I literally just lost my appetite.

"Why would she? It's not like shes fat. Shes only like 135. Plus she's really tall. And to top that all off all she is made of is muscle.  She is like a fucking bull. I don't know if you guys know that.. But I sure do." Ashyln being her cousin pipes up first. Protesting.

"My opinion is that no girl is fat. They all are different sizes and have different perfections. And with Audrey,  she is beautiful.  She is more on the curvy side. Plus she has a big butt. I mean, more ass for Clay." Spitting out the soda out of my mouth from Ambers remark, I can see That she is trying to lighten the mood. To think on the positive side.

I pretend I never heard that,  but now that I think about it, Audrey does have a big butt..


"She looks like she is going to pass out all the time.. is that just me? Because whenever we are hanging out alone, she always has to sit down." I say. I look back and forth between the girls amd they look like there about to cry.

The question that I have been asking myself is, why she would do this?

Did I say anything? Did I make her feel unbea--


This is all my fucking fault.

"Guys.. I think I know why she has been doing this." I quickly say. The give me the 'keep talking' look and I proceed.

"I took a picture of her and put it on Instagram... I know you guys saw the caption and everything but then that's when the hate started.  She kept on reading them.. and the things those bitchy girls said were nasty.. I guess I tried to handle it, but she went running to Blake and--"

"Blake knows. Blake will know what she is doing. He knows everything that happens to her. " Ashyln gets up right away. It looks like she is ready to run.

Amber and I also get up. "C'mon,  lets go." I order and we start jogging back to the house.

I'm a dick... I'm a dick for doing nothing.  How can she still love me? I have hurt her in so many ways possible...





All of us run into the house. First we pass Eli and Jack just sitting on the couch. I could tell he knew something was wrong but both of them never followed.

As we ran up the stairs I heard the tolit flush.. and we all knew it was Audrey.

We quickly ran past the bathroom,  trying to avoid Audrey from seeing us and getting suspicious.  We got around the corner were Blakes room was and then that's when I started pouding on his door rapidly.

We all were breathing heavidly from running, but we didn't care.  We needed to know everything.

I watched the door open and we all burst

In to his room. "Hey, would you like to come in? Sure? Okay, come in then." Blake says to no one. I know he was just fooling around because we all just came in.

But I took it so seriously I yelled at him.

"Blake! This isn't the time to be fooling around! We have some important Stuff to tell you!!"

I shout at him. He just puts his hands up in surrender.  "Okay, Tell me." Thats when all of us tell him everything that we assume is happening and that why we went to him for the real answer.

Throughout the whole thing Blake looked down. Never making eye contact with any of us. After I spoke my last sentence he sighed.

"Your right... she is, she didn't want me tell anyone. But I guess it's about time." He took a long pause then looked up at Clay. "It's been two weeks since the whole hate thing happened Clay.. your the one that should talk to her about the whole situation. " We watch Clay breathe out Shakidly.  And then he nods.

Clay gets up leaving the room. All of our minds clueless of what might happen next.






"..... Do you understand why this is  hurting  all of us? Audrey,  your beautiful,  I know you might not think that, but you got to learn how to respect yourself,  and what your doing,  is beyond Harmful.  Those things that those girls said, those are lies, jealously talking, because I look at you differently then them. I love you to the moon and beyond. And I will be there for you every step of the way, I'll help you stop, we will do this together. " I grab the girl's shakey hand, putting it in mine carefully. 

Her eyes are blood shot from crying and just how she looks I can tell she is out of it.. as if she was dead. Audrey let out a tiny sigh. "Thank you... Honestly I don't know we're I'd be without you." She looks down at our hands. Herself shaking a little. "You promise you'll stick with me through this?"

Audrey's eyes widen. Her beautiful green orbs fill up into mine.

"I promise.  Anything to make you start eating." I move in and hug her. Shs hugs me back. She is strong.. I know shd csn do this. She will beable to stop doing this to herself.

"How about we start easy. Maybe a grilled cheese? "  Audrey hesitates a little, but nods. "I'm starving... I might eat like 5." The giggle that I've missed for about two weeks fills my ears.

Her real happy giggle.

There's my Audrey.

-Author's Note-


Sooo like stuff will get happy again :) but then sad bcuz Clay will have to leave to go to school...

I know.. I know... I'm a horrible person.

But!!! On the bright side, um.. idk. There's really no bright side.

Haha ok but thank you all for reading, voting and commenting!!!! Also following♡

Love you all!!



Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now