Chapter 15

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.


So all you guys know... the song Ashyln supposedly made up in the upcoming reading was actually made up by my friend Halla and I when we had a HUGE discussion about MySpace. And that is what @hallaisawesome made up haha. Go follow her!! And also... The Penis song was made up by me and her also hahaha. you just gotta read to find out what I'm talking about ;) againnn, I wanna thank you guys for saying all those 'nice' comments on my last authors note. Really made me feel good. :) But I guess I had to talk to those two people... I did and we cleared some things up. One of them said they never read my story.... And hopefully weren't lying... Nvrmind... She called my story a DUMB story.. And she thought everything was fine.

And the other one said that she hasn't read my story also but her friend has.... And her friend helped her write her book.

Sooooo it really wasn't her bcuz she didn't know... But it was her friend...

Copy cat.



"Remember when MySpace was cool?" I bring up out of no where. It was Clay, Amber, Ashlyn, Jack and I all sittin there just talking.

That's when Ashyln breaks out singing.

" Iiiiiimmmm bringing myspace back (yeah) my dad used it when he did crack (yeah) old people go on it if they break their back (yeah) update your status and I'll update back (yeah).

Take it to the bridge

MySpace is back again


MySpace is back again


MySpace is back again


She sang to the key of Justin Timberlake -I'm Bringing Sexy back. And let me just say.... I about tinkled in my pants.

"What the hell!!" I shout while laughing. Everyone else was too. Reasons why I love Ashlyn. She can make me pee because I'm laughing so hard.

"Wanna hear a free style I made up? Its called The Penis--"

"I'm out." I stand up walking towards the door dying of laughter. Amber following behind me. Both the boys still sitting there still wanting to hear her free style.

The only reason I wanted to leave was, because I was there when she made it up.

Amber also has heard it and she literally died.

"You guys are no fun!! Well, anyways. P to the E to the N to the I to the S. PENIS. Myyyyyyy penis brings all the boys to the yard, and there like omg it's hard--"

"Yup Im leaving Too." Clay gets up followed by Jack, all of us laughing, especially Ashlyn. "Wow guys, love you all too."

We walk outside, leaving Ashlyn in there by herself. It was a pretty nice day here in Troy. Sunny and warm. What I like about the south.

For some random reason all of us just keep walking around and around the house just talking about stupid things.

"Once when Amber and I first hugged, I kinda got a face full of boob." Disappointedly looking everyone starts laughing, I can't help, but join in also. To be honest... Amber was really tall.. Which was great. More stuff that she has to get up and go get for me on the top shelf of the cupboard.

She's my bitch.

My hot bitch.

"When I first met Audrey, I thought I found the one....... But then I saw Jack."

Again we begin laughing and joking around. Just being our normal selves.

Honestly, it was perfect.



"Holy poop. Holy poop. Holy poop. DON'T GO IN THERE DUMB FUCK!!"

Four rooms down, well in my room that I shared with Ashlyn, Clay and I could just hear her screaming. It was funny at first... Then it really got annoying. So here we sit. In Clay'a room, with his TV blaring.

"Can she scream any louder?" Clay asks throwing his head back, I shrug. "Don't jinks it." I reply.

Finally after another 10 minutes the screaming stopped. I wonder what movie she was watching? And why she kept on yelling? She's usually not afraid of scary movies...

Must of been watching Quarantine 2... Fatty... Ugh, he can give anyone the jitters.

"We should kiss." Clay randomly says. I mean.. I want too. But he hasn't just put it out there like that.

"Alright, but don't get a boner." I chuckle while leaning in. Clay chuckles also. "No promises," I know he meant it jokingly, because he laughed after he said it.

Our lips touch and the same feeling like always over takes me.




-Hours later-

I swear... Clay and I made out forever. My lips actually became

Numb and I couldn't feel them after sometime. Was that a good thing?

It doesn't really matter but I liked it.

"I'm hungry." I roll over ontop of Clay so our faces are inches apart. "Hi hungry. I'm Clay." He jokes and I slap him. It bothers me when people do that to me... Then again I have done it to other people before...


"Make me food?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he groans. "I can't cook worth of shit." Both of us chuckle agreeing. "But..." I trace my finger over his shirt that is showing his abs. Clay laughs. "But...?"

I grin at him and peck his nose. "But, you know how to make Ramen noodles."

Clay chuckles and smashes his lips onto mine making me laugh really hard. "You goof. Go make me food." I giggle. Clay playfully pushes me off of him. "Hop on." I look at him confused, then he points to his back. Oh!

I jump on his back wrapping my arms around his neck. "Can you feel that?" I ask like a little kid blowing on his neck. Clay must think I'm really hyper....

Well, I guess it's normal for him now.

"Can you feel this?" Clay pinches my butt making me scream a bit. Him laughing while walking down the stairs slowly.

"That hurt."

"Sorry. Not sorry."

I knew he was just fooling around. I giggle to myself as he lets me down getting out the Ramen noodles and a pot.

"I wanna kiss you more!!!" We randomly hear Jack yell from upstairs... Well Amber was defentally getting some lip action.

"Clay?" I begin to say devilishly, but right away he answers. "No."

I gasp and slap my hand over my heart.. But clearly missing my chest and hitting my boob. "MY BOOB!" Dramatically I tip over rolling on the kitchen floor. Clay laughing the whole time, butthead. "What are you on?" Clay puts the noodles in the boiling water, chuckling time to time.

"Something that Amber gave me. Go ask her, I know shit." I randomly walk off into the living room.. what is wrong with me? Eh, must be thee period. Stupid Aunt Flow...


Audrey has been acting really... really... really strange lately... like a weird strange.

Amber must of abducted her.. Thanks Amber.

I finish up cooking the Ramen noodles and throw them in a bowl for Audrey and I to share. While I'm doing that I hear a huge crash in the living room. Right away I knew it was Audrey, so I put the bowl and ran into the living room.

 I find her looking at me helplessly as she has blood running down her face. 



Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now