Chapter 28

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.

I struggled with this chapter.... its just... I ran out of inspiration for this story... sorry about not updating....



"Clay... I don't know if... I don't know if I feel the same way anymore..." I trail off, not knowing if I can look at him. "Wha- what do you mean?" The tears falling down his face got heavier and heavier.

I sigh and stand up from the couch. "I don't think I... love you anymore." A wave of guilt washes over me. I felt terrible.. ok, maybe a little, but I had to tell him.

Clay face drops, his whole self looked lifeless. I knew then and there I broke his heart. "Okay." He stood up shaking, his eyes never leaving the floor. I felt a stray tear fall down my cheek and hit my hand.  "I'm sorry Clay, I mean I had--"

"And to think I thought of you as my world..." He stands up and begins to storm out of the room, but I run up behind him and grab his arm. "Clay  stop. If your thinking about leaving, you-you have no place to go and--"

He forcefully turns around, anger written on his face, "And what Audrey? I honestly don't care right now, why the fuck not just go to the airport and go back home? I already got my ticket!"  His screaming affected me some... I mean, he was the boy I loved...

"Well if your gonna act like this.. go. I don't care. I honestly hate you. Your disgustjng and we always fucking fight like what the hell? I'm done... wait I already was!! Now go you little bastard!" Before I could slap him, he slapped me... but instead of the pain washing over me... I woke up.

My breathing was heavy, and I had sweat dripping down my forehead, I looked around to see that I was in Clays arms... in his bed... wait... this was all a dream?

I didn't want to wake him up but I kinda had to ask... I didn't want to get my hopes up too high. I poked him over and over again, whispering, "Clay... Clay... Clay." Edventally he woke up, "and groaned. "Babe.. go to sleep." Suddenly I snuggled closer by him, wrapping my arms around his torso. "Clay.. is this all a dream? Did my aunt and uncle adopt me... then take me to England? Did we break up?" I ask, my heart beating faster and faster. Clay gives me a quick "What?" I ask him again and right away he shakes his head.

"No... a wedding never happened... babe, it was all a bad dream. C'mon let's go to sleep and we'll do something fun when we wake up." Clay turned back over and drifted to sleep. Leaving me just laying there.

I mean, I would go to sleep... but... the thing is... I'm scared too...



"Audrey... Auuuuudreeeey. Audrey!" Hearing my name repeatedly I slowly open my eyes to fine Clay hovering over me. I blink twice to realize all that bull crap was just a dream and that the wedding, me moving to London, and Clay and I breaking up was all just a stupid dream.

"I'm awake."  I mumble and stretch out. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead gently. I couldn't help but smile myself. "I had a horrible nightmare." Reaching up to hug him, his body falls softly on mine. "Oh.. is that what you were talking to me about?" I nod and hug him tighter, not wanting to let go.

"Well, I promise none of that will happen." Clay says while looking me in the eyes. Smiling I peck his lips. "Never ever?" He copiesy action and gives me a kiss back. "Never ever." Smiling like an idiot I sit up and look at the time. It was about noon.. on a Saturday.. which meant... MY CONCERT!

"OMFG CLAY ITS 5SOS DAY CONCERT DAY!! I GET TO MEET THEM!!" I start flipping out and jumping all around. Screaming on the top of my lungs I run down the hallway into Ashlyn's room. She is still sleeping away like usual, but we all know that won't last for long. Running and jumping, I land right on her and she starts to scream. "WHAT THE FUCK?" I don't take it personally and practically start humping her the way it looks. "5SOS! CONCERT! TODAY! WE! NEED! TO! GO!" With that I get off of her and run down the hallway and into my room grabbing the clothes I've set out before hand.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now