Not a Update... sorry

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Well... this isn't an Update... sorry, but I needed to say something, for a multiple time. Wait... I forgot to write "If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And stab you with a fork"

You know how sad that is? On every single part of these two stories, on all the chapters, I have that written at the begin.. The reason for that is because there is multiple Clay fanfics that have the same tiny little details like my story. Hey, it doesn't bother me anymore that the girl moved from a state to Alabama, and coincidentally moved into the house next to him. Trust me, that idea has been used way to much and I will even say I am one of those people that has used that idea too, but the thing is... my story, Thirteen and Loving it was the first Clay LaBrant Fanfic. The first Clay Fanfic to use that idea and many more... like going to the ice cream parlor, meeting the neighbors, having the teacher tell Clay's Class that there getting a new student.... having the main character and Clay go to the movies.... having Clay show the new girl around... Having there be a mean girl that is in love with Clay, but Clay hates her... those were all used in my story first and every since, people have been deciding to create Clay Fanfics they use those ideas. Why? I don't know... maybe they have no idea how to come up with the beginning of there story and they take some of my ideas and others...  but the thing about that is, it makes your/their story not original and something people have read before and will get bored with.  If your going to write a story make sure you have a plot, or an idea for your story, and when you start writing it, be original. Lets say you like an idea that was used by another author, I suggest you dedicate or write a little authors note before you start the chapter on how that person should take created for that idea. That's the smart and right thing to do. And if your not sure if the person would like you taking that idea, message them... honestly guys, I wouldn't be writing this, I wouldn't be writing "If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. Then stab you with a fork." on every chapter of my stories..... I know all of you know I hate when people take my idea and or practically copy my stories... and hey, I will admit I have bitched out people for taking my story ideas and One for practically taking my title. I get so angry and I bet other authors do too when they read another fanfic with the same ideas as there's... and I will let you all know that these two books have a Copyright. So please, think before you write. Maybe even read others books so you know you aren't copying others ideas... and to let you all know, the Girl that wrote the Clay Trilogy (@jellybellie) is my friend, and if you find parts of our books that are similar, we went over it that its fine that its like that because we wanted it like that. (Holy That's) But seriously, I have came a crossed too many Clay fanfics that are like mine. I can't stand it. Literally, can't. I honestly hope others see that they do too... and what really makes me mad that the first chapter of their story will be just like mine, more exact, the first Chapter of Thirteen and Loving it, and there will be these comments that say, "I love this keep going" and that girl that has commented probably never even checked out my story so she probably believes that I was the one that copied. Tiny things like that pisses me off. Mostly the copying or idea taking, but still....

I hope this message sinks in deep to some of you... please be original. Don't take others ideas without permission. And if you can't come up with an idea.... I'm always hear to talk to if you need help... 

And to those who do and did copy my ideas and mostly half of Thirteen and Loving it and maybe Not Again well....  Honey, If your gonna copy, one suggestion I will give you, write better :)

-Your bitch, Kiley Sarah Larson :) <3

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu