Chapter 24

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.


"Clay I've told you a million times! I'm sorry!" He turned around... looked at me in disgust and kept on walking.


My heart was beating out of rhythm against my rib cage making it harder to breathe by the minute.  The way my stomach flopped and sunk at the same time made me sick. I felt like the world's worst girlfriend at this time.. still... how could I forget?

"Clay. Please." I tired... more like attempted to grab his wrist, but he jerked it away, making me grab the air.

I felt my eyes start to prick with tears.

" Ephesians, 4:32." I burst out . Clay stops, but doesn't turn around.  "Be kind to one another,  tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

I crossed my fingers.. hoping that verse will make him think. He turned around and walked over to me. His eyes pouring into mine every second, both of us not shedding a word.

"Ephesians 4:26." I say this time. "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." I pressed my lips together, so they formed a line. Swiftly I shoved both of my hands in the back of my butt pockets and breathed deeply.

"How could you forget?" Of fucking course he'd ask this first. But I couldn't blame him.. He needed an explanation.

I took my hands out of my pockets. One reason I did that, is because I talk with them and the second.. well I didn't want anyone thinking I was grasping my own ass.

"Clay.. we all make mistakes, and In this situation I forgot something that was important to you.. and for me also--"

"Then why did you forget if it was 'so important to you'."

I slapped my hands over my face and groaned. I can't believe myself.

"I've been planning something for the both of us.. I must of forgot--" He cut me off again.

"Must? Audrey,  you did! Our two Year anniversary!" Clay started blowing up at me even more.. what I thought was going to he a little argument turned into a huge one. I tried to blank out everything he said.. I even tried distracting myself by watching the passing cars... and even counting the sidewalk lines as far as I could see them.

But that didn't help.

"Audrey... let's just take a break.. just for a few days."

"Clay I fucking live at your house! We see each other everyday!" His yelling made my temper rise..

He gave me the, 'No shit sherlock' look. "I'll be going to Sam's." Is all he said before turning back around and walking.

Is he seriously overreacting this much on this? We are young! It's not like we are married!

"Grow up Clay. It doesn't mean I love you any less! Things happen--"

"When will you shut up? 'Things happen' no shit things happen."

I tried swallowing the big lump in my throat... but couldn't.  My heart split.. for the millionth time.. did he really just say that? I was speechless.

"Oh, here's your damn gift, bring your cousin along or something... "

He threw a box down on the ground.. along with the photo booth pictures. Does he really have to be this big of an ass?

"Well thank you for being a douche about it!"  Sarcasm filling my voice while bending over and picking the pictures up and the box. "I don't know if I deserve it, because I'm the bitch that forgot!" I scream handing them back to him. His nose flars, then suddenly, sorrow is written all over his face.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang