Hey Guys :)

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Ha, where do I even begin? Well of course with the two words I love to say... Thank you. Thank you guys for getting both these stories so far... I remember when I got to 1k. I called my best friend Halla and was like "Dude, guess what I got too? THE BIG 1,000" Both of us squealed over it for awhile... then I went to bed after that haha. But honestly... 1k made my life.... now this story is at 50k... and how do I feel? I feel like meeting all of you and hugging you and being best friends. Because I'm a nice person like that Haaha.

Another thing... If I haven't of made this story... I wouldn't know one of my closes friends today.. Even though she does live in A different state then me... I love her to pieces. Her name is Amber. Yes, Amber that plays in this very story. I don't know what I'd do without her... she's awesome.

I also met this other girl off of here that has so much in common with me... her name is Kaitlyn. She's honestly has the best 5sos picture imagines on her phone that she send to me and we fangirl about it. I love her to death also...

Then there's this guy named Trent. NO HE IS NOT GAY GUYS. Trent is Trent. When he kiked me I thought he was a 40 year old pedophile... not to mention I thought his penis was a pedophile too. But it ended up that he is a really cool guy and likes to say "Y'all are crazy" Because well... my friends and I are.

I have talked to so many more of you and it makes my day :) Thank you.

Everything that has happened makes me smile like crazy and well... seeing that you guys like this story makes me push myself more  on being a writer when I come older.. It's my dream.

Right now my phone keeps buzzing with a knew Wattpad notification and I can't stop laughing and smiling :') You guys are the best.

Beyond the best.

Beyond beyond the best.

Just amazingly perfect. 

You guys fucking rock.

Now if you wouldn't mind Voting or commenting It would mean the world... or maybe a follow. I follow back!


Kik- kileysarah

Instagram- @kileyslarson

Twitter- @KSLluvs1d

I will follow back! And of course I will Kik back!!! Thanks guys... for bringing this.. my story so far... means so much. And I know you guys know that because I feel like I've said that 20 times.

Love all of you.


Epilogue will be published when this story gets to 60k!

Don't forget me after this story is finished! You can always read my other ones!

Haha... Thanks again Guys.

For everything.

Hugs and kisses.

Your bitch.

Kiley Sarah Larson.





Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now