Chapter 12

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.






"Mom, why again are you throwing a party?" I was so confused,  why would she make so many treats? Doesn't she know Blake lives here and he will shove his face in every dish?

And don't get me started on myself.

If I was made of chocolate I would eat myself alive.

No joke.

"It's just a work party.  Don't worry, there will also be kids your age."  She's acting like I was six.

I nod and head back up stairs to get ready. I mean, what if there is this bitchy bitch that shows up and picks on me for what I'm wearing?

I look down to see I have my unicorn pajama shorts on and a cupcake shirt on also. 

How could someone pick on me if I'm dressed in this? They wouldn't be able to take me seriously. Haha.

I walk into my bedroom, grabing a few things and walk into my bathroom.  Do too my balcony, my big windows,  and my posters, I feel way uncomfortable getting dressed in my room. Plus, any of the guys can walk into my room at anytime.

Question!  Why don't they knock?

"Audrey! "


See, she just comes right in! What if I was doing something werid?  Like scratching my boob. Then what would she do?

"What? I was gonna take a shower." With that said she pulls me in my bathroom and locks the door. Wait... "Your not taking a shower with me." She just shoves me a bit. "Not that! I just need to talk to you! And I thought it was perfect time to do that if you were in the shower."

I swear, at times, I want to know what goes through her head.

Well.. if anything is.

"Alright, but turn around so I can get undressed and in the shower." She does as told and I get undressed. I throw my dirty clothes in the hamper and then turn the knob on the shower so it gets warm.

Soon I jump in. -Not literally or else I would of fell and then Amber would of saw me naked along with all the rest of the guys trying to save me. Let me talk about awkward-

"So what you need to tell me?" I ask letting the hot water hit my body. It feels so nice.

"Alright, well Jack and I are going out today.. well at noon and I'm just so nervous!  What if I trip?  What if I have bad breath? What if I get eaten by a angry bear?" I laugh at the last part and then grab the shampoo.

"Well I thought I was going to fall and I just made jokes about it. Amber, your personality is literally the best. Whatever you say or do, he will end up dying and peeing his pants. " It is true. Amber can make anyone's day.

That's what I love about her.

I rinse out the shampoo out of my hair and then put in the conditioner.

"Thanks for making me feel better. But I have one more concern."

"Alright, what is it?" I ask taking a bar of soap and my razer.

"What am I gonna wear?"

Every girls BIGGEST concern. 

Well... most.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now