Chapter 30 |Last Chapter|

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Last Chapter Guys!!!!! For some weird reason I thought about the time when Clay Called me.... Brings a smile to my face.


Also my 93 year old great grandma is reading Thirteen and Loving it.... is that weird?

Please read authors note at end!



Clay and I have been completely silent the rest of the night. Honestly it was eating me alive and I couldn't control it. I needed to talk to him. We needed to talk. 

How could he just kiss me and say 'I'm angry with you blah blah blah' and just walk away? No explanation or nothing. At least I want to talk about it... He is just blowing it off and is ignoring me. The only thing he has said to me was at supper. You know what he said? "May you pass me the beans please?" Didn't even look me in the eyes or nothing.

As much as it hurts and is killing me inside I know deep down I deserve it... but he wouldn't of kissed me if he hated me right? Ugh, guys are confusing. But I know I deserve being confused.

It was about half past nine and everyone gradually began to go to there rooms. Like usual I'd go to Clay's,  but I felt to awkward doing that tonight. Walking past his room, I notice he wasn't in it. Ignoring that fact I walked to my bedroom and right as I was gonna open the door I heard the bathroom toilet flush. The Bathroom just happened to be a crossed from my room so I turned my head a little to look who it was.

Of course it was Clay.

Not wanting to bother him I just looked away quickly and opened my bedroom door and shut it. Wanting to go back and tell him how much I can't stand this happening. I couldn't.

Leaning against the door, I slide down so my knees were to my chest. As I lowered my head I began to cry. Honesty since I've met Clay everything has been happy then sad... happy then sad again... and of course, happy and sad again...  I hate saying this, but I know for the best that it would of been better if I haven't of moved in the first place. Honestly my life has been either great then quickly dropped down to being crap. Why does that have to happen? Why can't it stay great? There's an answer for that. If everyone's life was great it would be boring, but of course everyone would be happy.

And I know for a fact if everyone had to chose a great life over suckish life they'd chose great. Because they don't like the feeling of being hurt. But you know what? I feel like that makes them stronger. Even if they don't see it, I just feel like it does... weird hypothesis I know, but it's true.

The strongest people I know have been through a lot... 

Thinking about all of that I slowly began to stop crying. I needed to show Clay that I  was a strong individual. And that's what I was going to do. Let him come to me. I've already crawled back to him plenty of times, why not let the tables turn?

I got up and walked to my bathroom. Washing my face I decided I was just going to sleep in A sports bra and short spandex tonight. Why not be comfortable? As I started crawling in bed I heard my front door creek open. It was dark in my room and the hallway so of course I was gonna start freaking out. My heart pounded faster and faster, but once I saw who it was my hand found the spot where my heart should be and it began to quicken again. "Clay?" His name rolled off my tongue so smoothly. "What are you doing in here?" He didn't say a word,  but shut the door.

First I thought he was sleep walking,  but I knew in the time I was here he never did it. So of course I new right away he was awake and had something to say. I watched as he made his way to my bed and crawled in next me. So confused and mad I snapped. "What the heck is wrong with you Clay? You show affection towards me, but other then that your ignoring me!" Technically I wasn't yelling, it was more of a whisper yell so I didn't wake everyone up in the house... but I made sure he could tell I was angry with him.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now