Chapter 7

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*Nobody got this one.. it was a plot twist. But remember. Comment! Tell me what you think might just happen! And you will get a shoutout <Shoutout>*


Noooooo!!!!! He can't! Just no!!! I mean I kind of did see it coming by how he was acting but still!

"Hayes.. I'm sorry." I begin, but he stops me before I can finish.

"I know. I know you have a Boyfriend now.. Clearly. And I know you'd never like me . So you shouldn't be sorry." The tone in Hayes' voice made me feel even more bad.

I feel like shit. How could I let this happen? I just lead him on to thinking I was single. Maybe he even thought I liked him. I honestly know how it feels when you think someone likes you that you like. And you tell them.. and they end up not liking you back.

It hurts.

And it's embarrassing.

"But I feel bad. I should of told you Hayes. Instead you had to walk in on.. well us.. kissing.." I trail off looking at my toes. My stomach is bubbling-the bad kind to.

Hayes looks off into a distance, Trying to hide his tears back.

"I know I like you Audrey. But then again there will never be an 'us' so I think the best thing for us to do is not see each other," He takes a long pause. "Not be friends. "

I fucked up.

As much as I love Clay. Somewhere... deep down I have this urge.. this urge that can ruin everything.

Thats when my lips touch Hayes's.





"You know what... as much as I hate to say this. But Audrey... what you've done has hurt me.. has hurt me more than anything."

I knew I had to risk everything.

"We are done. " Clays words floated in the air, each one of them stabing me. Did this just really happen? I watch Clay run. Run away from me. My heart was pounding like a drum and my breath was really shaky.. I try to run. But I just can't. It was like my feet where stuck to the ground.

Panicking I start to cry. Every single emotion mixed in one I let out.

I lost him......

"Audrey.... Audrey wake up." I hear faintly. My breath hitches and my eyelids fly open.

It was all just a dream.

Well part of it was... I still kissed Hayes..

My room is dark, but with a little moonlight coming through my balcony doors. I still find my heart rapping And my plams sweaty.

I look over to my side to find Clay. My boyfriend that I love with all my heart. The guy I cheated on.

I feel all my emotions buliding up again. I just want to curl up into a ball and cry.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, but I was sorta scared. You were crying.." Clay rubs my back gently.

It takes me awhile to figure out I have been crying. I feel my tear stained cheeks To find them puffy.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now