Chapter 23

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.

*Please read Authors note*



"When will you ever shut up?!" Clay groans. His eyes still glued on the computer screen. I take no offense whatsoever,  because I am used of hearing that all the time.

I flick his ear and he jumps with a 'owe'.

"When will you ever stop trying to make her happy?" This question was directed towards Audrey... I didn't mean it in a bad way, but being the good friend I am, I honestly wanted to know what Clay was going to say.

"Never, ever, ever." Clay clicks on the word 'Buy'  and he starts typing in all this information. 

The two love birds as I like to call them are having there two year anniversary today. Yes, it's been that long already and I absolutely think it's adorable. 

Now Clay on the other hand is getting her tickets... to a concert... With the name known of....



Five Seconds of Summer.



Whatever tickles your pickle!

Now you see, my best friend Audrey and I guess I'll mention Ashyln, are HUGE fans of them. You say anything!  And I mean ANYTHING!  About 5sos, you will be a goner.

Spacing out completely,  I am shaken by a screaming Clay. "I GOT THEM!! THEY WILL BE HERE TOMMORROW!!!" I can't help but jump along with him, practically fangirling.

"How many did you get?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Two. One for her and one for me."

Clay is going to a concert?

Consisting of fangirls?


He's definitely going to die.

"You got to be bull shitting me!" I do one of my fake laughs and after three seconds stop completely and give him a serious face. "Clay.. do you understand the power.. The knowledge... The crazy obsession, stalker-like,  let's throw tampons at the boys, fangirls?" He looks at me like I was losing my mind, but clearly any girl with a stalker obsession over some guy and or band would agree 100% with my statement.

I take a deep breath and sigh. Resting my hand on his shoulder.  "Make sure to wrap yourself in bubble warp that day.  Okay?" Smirking I begin to walk away, but to my surprise -well not really-  Clay stops me.

"Amber... I need safety and fangirl help."

I grin ear to ear.

"Welcome to Stalker 101 Mr. LaBrant."


Texting Ashyln that I got the tickets and that she can bring Audrey back here, I smile happily, then again I am really relieved that Amber is done teaching me about stalker...

For Pete sakes.. I learn how long Liam Paynes dick is!!  You know how werid that is to know that? Very..

Through the whole thing I couldn't stop thinking about Audrey...

Since last night I haven't seen my beautiful girlfriend.. and I miss her..

Now your probably thinking 'You miss her? But you already live with her and see her everyday!' That is true, but right now.. I am so excited.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now