Chapter 20

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.

-Authors Note is VERYYYYYY IMPORTANT!- Sorry for the short chapter updates!!!!


The plane ride seemed fairly short... consisting that Audrey was huddled into my side the whole time. She apologized, and apologized and apologized, over and over again.  I told her mistakes happen... we just got to try to forget about them.

Hayes also came along... He called him mom on the way.. she didn't seem that happy... at all. She's supposed to pick him up at the airport in Alabama.  I'm guessing she has already.  Containing that we are already home.

My mom talked to Audrey. To be honest I have never seen Audrey cry that much.. ever. But in my perspective,  I think it really helped Audrey talking about it.

I guess everything has been alright since we've gotten home. Audrey and I talked also. Cleared up anything we had too and forgave each other more. I'm glad to have a healthy relationship.

It's exactly 11:30 P.M. On a humid Saturday Night.  My beautiful girlfriend and I sit in my bedroom watching a chick flick.  -Audrey insisted-  The one and only movie, The Lucky One. Based of a Nicholas Sparks book, for all of you that haven't heard of it.

I laid on my side, Audrey did also.  My chest against her back and my arms wrapped snug around her. Never wanting to let go. The TV light flickered through my dark room, making my eyes hurt. -Only sometimes though-

This was really a perfect moment.... A one that we haven't shared in a long time together.

The movie was ending, to be honest, it wasn't too bad. I knew Audrey of course liked it.  Soon we stared at a black screen with white words rolling down it. Both of us came untangled and stretched out.

I looked at the gorgeous lady in front of me and smiled. "We got to do this again." I stand up from off my bed and wrap my arms around her. She smiles. "NoteBook or Safe Haven next?" She questioned giggling. I poked her nose with my pointer finger. "How about an action movie?" I suggest.  She wrinkles her nose. I guess that's a no...

"I like cuddling with you though... and chick flicks are the absolute  best to cuddle too." She states. Starting to sway back and forth. I chuckle.  "Cars blowing up are also great movies to cuddle too." I joke, Trying to match her same tone. She just pokes my stomach and walks over to my bed. My room still dark, with only the glare from the TV.

"I'll think about it." She replies in the Cuttest way. Laughing a little i tackle her on the bed, straddling her waist. "You'll think about eh?" I start to tickle her.  The giggles that escape her mouth make me laugh. Her laugh was really contagious.

I tickled down her side, to her armpit and then to her neck. She was practically screaming and laughing louder and louder each time I touched her. "Cla-y!! Plea-se st-op!" She shouts squirming some more.  I poke her sides a couple more times then stop, giving her a shit evil grin. 

"You butthole. " She insults as she starts laughing uncontrollable again for no odd reason. Seeing her laugh makes me laugh some more again. I roll off her as she rolls on top of me. Both of us laughing till our stomach hurts.

Soon the laughter dyes down and Audrey's beautiful green eyes are pouring into mine. She begins to lean down as my eyes travel down to her lips. They finally connect.

I take my arms and pull her up closer to me, so her head is directly over mine. My hands rest on her back, but I can't control them for moving down to her butt.

She giggles, accidentally bitting my lip. "Oops." She murmurs. I chuckle at her cuteness.

She pulls away, laying her head down on my chest. Her hair spreading  in all different directions. "I'm sleepy." She whispers looking at the wall. I agree with her. I'm pretty tired myself. "Wanna snuggle some more?" I ask. She nods and rolls off of me. Her face burrows into my chest as her hand finds mine. "Goodnight Auds. Love you." I kiss her forehead goodnight.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ