Chapter 26

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.

READ!!!!!!! MEEE!!! OR ELSE!!!!!

Ok.. I know I sad nothing bad was gonna happen between them anymore.. well I lied...

Now you will experience the frustration of your life.

Enjoy the last few chapters of this incredible love/hate relationship of Clay LaBrant and Audrey Lynn Davis...


Good girls are Bad Girls that haven't been caught.  ;)

Keep that in your head till this book ends...

Every single one of you are gonna hate me... Expecially the last chapter... possibly even the epilouge... but if this book reaches over 40k I'll do a Question and answer book after this is over.

Love you all.

Shout out to Amber's Chainsaw named toast.

Thanks for all the reads and votes and comments!!



Got adopted today.. never thought that would ever happen.

How very excited I am to go move to London!  I get to leave my boyfriend! Leave my bestfriend! And all my other friends!

How fucking joyous!

Can you find my sarcasm?

This is bull. Complete bull. I swear, ever since we moved my life has been a roller coaster.  It goes up.. then back down.. next thing you know it I'm In hell and then in a happy land.

As stupid as it sounds I can't believe I'm not on a depression pill.

I feel like my life is Crap and that I don't deserve to be here. All I'm doing is moving, moving, moving.

Next thing you know it I could end up living in Antarctica with the penguins!!! Possibly they would treat me better then my own family. Don't the know that I have a say in this too? I guess not... honestly,  maybe if I just say 'Screw this' and go along with them, they'll realize that I do belong back in Alabama.

Yeah, right,  nothing is gonna change there minds.. I'm theirs. Along with Blake and Ashyln.

I grab the last of my bags, the tears still spilling out, me wailing away. Clay stands in the door frame.. Also crying in his hands.. no one understands the meaning of young love..

And I know Clay and I have it.

I looked once at Clay and that is what set me off. I literally dropped all my bags and embraced him in a hug... now I was full on crying. "No.. no.. no.. I don't wanna go!" I balled. This wasn't happening... not for real actually.

My life is absolute shit. Whenever something great happens, something bad has to happen right after it.

"Audrey... I don't want you to go either.. trust me." He's arms firmly grip around my waist, pulling me in as close as possible.  Nothing would be able to even squeeze in between us.

More tears make there way down my cheeks. "What's going to happen between us?" I ask, choking a little just thinking about it... I began to wail even more... so loud that everyone could hear it.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now