Chapter 9, but A/N is important!

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.


-Author's Note-

I want to thank all of you who Vote and Comment.... this story is already at 2.2k and has 135 votes.Thank you

And to those who comment... well you guys are special too. I love everyone of your guy's comments.  They make me smile. Thank you to you guy's also

Last, but not least I want to thank My followers.. when I first joined Wattpad I was like *Eh, who cares if I have any followers. Thats what Twitters for* But then I gradually watched the number grow and I'm at 59. Thank you to my followers

And if any of you have already followed me on Instagram and or Twitter and I HAVENT Followed you back... just DM  me something.. like... idk haha.. just use the code word sarahkiley,

lol I'm really stupid... haha gotta love meh thoo.

And I will for sure follow you back.

And On Instagram you can do the same thing or if you are like absolutely amazing you can screen shot a picture of either this story or of Thirteen And Loving It and tag Clay in so he could possibly see it....

I sound like I'm using you guys... ugh... im terrible.

Again I love you guys and love talking to you on here or Kik♡

All are amazing and make my day!

One last thing,  you should go follow my Friend @jelly_bellie and read her stories!

Also Kik her too... she is hilarious.

Haha thanks again!! Hope you enjoy this Chapter !





I guess it sort of rings a bell.

"Was she the one with brown curly Hair?" I tilt my head raising my eyebrow. A slight imagine comes into my head of that exact same girl always staring/scowling at me.

What is he getting at?

"Yeah.. I'm sorry Audrey,  we all make mistakes and trust me. This one was stupid.  She was messing with my head and--"

"Your point is?" I frown a bit. Hopefully they just might of kissed or something like Hayes and I did. I mean, it does hurt but we can both handle forgiving each other.

"When you left for Christmas break,  and I know you know I didn't kiss Brianna. But.. I- I'm sorry Audrey, but most of the days during Christmas break, Anamarie and I spent together and I will admit we did kiss and that stuff but I swear it also met nothing. Just like you said about Hayes--"

"Oh." Is all I say, I feel my heart being sliced slowly into tiny pieces. My eyes fell to my phone in my hands. This is what it feels like to be lied at for about a year..

Clay sighs, in the corner of my eye I see tears fall down his cheeks.

I'm hurt a lot... and mad a lot, but I can't stand to see him cry,  it makes my stomach twist.

"Don't cry. " I whisper softly not even looking at him.  I know I couldn't.  I would blow up in his face and run out somewhere.

"No, Audrey,  you have no idea.. I lied to you. I lied to you for so long and never told you about that. And what you thought was bad, doesn't even compare to what I've done."

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant