Chapter 16

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If you copy my story I will find you. Cut you. And then stab you with a fork.


"Audrey, what happened?" My eyes dart back and forth from the blood running down her face to the broken glass on the floor. I didn't bother to look at my surroundings, because all that I could see was the blood. "Here let me help you up." When I touch her shoulder I find her shaking. What the hell happened?

"Auds,did the vase accidentally fall? Or did you bump into it?" I kept on blabbing on and on about any kind of possibilities.

"Did you get abducted by alien's?!" I know I shouldn't of said that in this kind of situation, but I did make her smile just a bit. I help her up, Trying to guide her away from the broken glass, I catch a glimpse of a figure at the door.


My eyes travel to the door and the person I hate the most is standing there... smirking.


That's what startled her...

I set Audrey aside. Her now knowing that I know Hayes is here. In Alabama.  On my front porch. But why?

I walk to the door, my eyes shooting dangers into his. My hand brushes against the knob, thinking twice if I should open it. Without hesitation,  I firmly grab it and swing it open. Both of us face to face.



He sticks his hand out, wanting a 'bro' hug I'm guessing.  He really thinks everything's fine? "Why are you here?" I clearly ignore his hand just waiting there. He awkwardly looks down and shoves both of his hands in his basketball shorts. "I needed to clear things up with Audrey... and also talk to you."

He is really wasting his time. I really don't want to talk to him, and by the terrified look on Audrey's face, I know she doesn't want to either.

"Hayes, whatever you have to say to say to me, you can say in font of Clay." Audrey voice pips up. I look in her direction and see that the blood is mostly of her face,  she just has a few scratches.

I looked back at Hayes and he sighed. "Fine, if that's what you want." He stepped foot in my house. Looking directly at Audrey.  "I really think we should start over again... like be friends.."

He really thinks that she's gonna let him be her friend?

I'd like to see that happen.

-Weeks later-

It's been two weeks. Two whole weeks that Hayes and Audrey have been hanging out. What about me? She doesn't even kiss me anymore. I guess I'm a nothing to her... and to think that I thought it was going to last.

Maybe it's just a phase.... hopefully.

I do still love her... A lot... it's just, I miss her.

And Hayes will pay for that.


"I can't believe you had chicken without me." I pout seriously,  looking down at the sidewalk. Hayes just shoves my shoulder playfully, chuckling.  I can't hold hold a straight face that long and begin laughing.

"So! What we going to do today?" I ask.

Hayes is literally the funniest person ever... and a really good friend.. to be honest... I've told him more things than Clay... is that bad?

"How about we just walk around down by the lake today?"  He suggests. I nod, agreeing to the good idea.

We both start walking faster trying to get to the lake quicker. Some small talk is heard, but not a lot. Once we reach the lake I feel Hayes hand slip into mine. My brain going dead by the thought that I had a boyfriend.

Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now