Chapter 3

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You'll see ;)

Clay replies back. To be honest I was expecting more, but alright.

Why wont he tell me why he just gave me a chain? It's bothering the hell out of me. Letting out a breath I've been holding for awhile. I find my fingers typing away.

What do you mean 'You'll see' I mean Clay... I can see already so...

I send it and look back at the silver chain. What else has to go with?

I'm so confused.

Love you too Clay!

Ha.. I need to see him soon.

More like right now.

Way to go Audrey!! So proud of you baby for seeing

I chuckle to myself. I miss him like crazy. How am I going to do this? Living without him is like living without food! I'm going to die either way!

I feel loved

I push send again and decide to get up. I really should start unpacking... but I don't feel like it.... but I got too.


I start walking up the steps to my new room, but before I can get up them my phone starts to buzz.

Right away I knew it was a text message from Clay. But when I saw the name, I guess I was kind of depressed in away.

Hey, I know we just saw each other, but I want to be a gentleman and ask if you need help unpacking?

I think that's sweet of Hayes for asking.. but I hope he doesn't try anything or ask me out sometime.. I mean.. that would just be awkward... even more than earlier when he tried to kiss me.

I decide it would be helpful to have someone help so I told him it was fine if he did. Moments later I hear the doorbell ringing.

With my mom and dad working on unpacking different stuff, I answer the door and let him in. "Didn't I just see you?" I ask jokingly. He plays along.

"I don't know, wait, were you spying on me?" He asks curiously. We both end up chucking.

"Well, you ready to help me unpack all my shit?" Once I realized I swore I cover up my mouth praying my mom didn't hear. I wait a second to get yelled at but I don't hear anything.

That was a close one. "Lets get up in my room before I let the 'F' bomb slip." Hayes just laughs and follows me upstairs.

His eyes go wide once he sees how many boxes I have. "Well... I might be here longer then I thought." I laugh at his comment and open the box with all my bed blankets and pillows in it. Thank goodness my dad has already set up my bed. "Well it's now or never. "





Hayes and I made small talk. Usually it was just him complaining about how much stuff I had and him asking if I really needed it. I didn't take anything to offense because I knew he was joking.

The other half of the time was myself questioning when I got something and then playing with it for about an half an hour.

Other then that we got my whole room unpacked and decorated. Even all my art stuff And all my posters hung up.

Surprisingly, Clay hasn't texted back.

This makes me frown, but Hayes doesn't notice.

"You literally do have a lot of shit." Hayes says tiredly sitting on my bed. I didn't freak out like I did with Clay... I guess thats good right?

Like, at least I'm not all fangirling and crap.

'Omg Hayes Grier has his ass on my bed, kill me now'

Ha, wait... thats what I sounded like with Clay..

I got issues.

"I do and I'm proud. " We both chuckle and I also sit down.

Then a awkward silence falls between us... ok, now everyone hates awkward silences, but theres something about this one that makes it even more awkward.

Hayes positions him self so hes looking at me. "Audrey... I know we just met... like today, but theres something about you--"

"Hayes, don't. Please don't waste your time on me. Trust me. Take my word. Just please." Am I leading him on? Fuck.. I am.. I should of just told him in the first place! But I just can't... I don't want to hurt his feelings.

Stupid me and being a softy.

"No, Audrey, you are unbelievably beautiful and--"

I cut him off again. My heart falling.. I feel horrible. "I think you should leave." I stand up opening up my bedroom door. "Thanks again Hayes." The tears in my eyes start to prick in the corners..making my vision go blurry.

I faintly watch him walk out... both of us not saying a word.

Way to go Audrey, start your first day here being a complete bitch to Hayes Grier.

Honestly, I wish I would of never met him.

-Author's Note-

If this sequel gets at least 500 reads... I'd be the happiest girl in the world♡

Oh... and talking about me being happy... 12K ON THIRTEEN AND LOVING IT? !!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZAYN!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

And again... Happy birthday to Clay♡

I just had to update because it is his birthday today so...

Well anyways! Remember to follow me on

Instagram- @kileyslarson

Twitter- @KSLluvs1d

Kik me -kileysarah

um.. idk... on here!!

I'd appreciate it!

Thank you!



Not Again -Sequel to Thirteen and Loving It- *Clay LaBrant*Where stories live. Discover now