40. Personal Hell

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I started to feel like myself again a few hours after I had first waken up, and I couldn't have been more grateful. The empty numbness was gone, the headache that had been brewing ceased to exist, and even my leg was gaining strength fast. I could walk on my own now without there being any pain, so Cisco's drugs really did do the trick.

Those few hours consisted of lying there in bed sleeping, along with eating some of the Big Belly Burger that Barry had brought for me. Besides when Barry was out taking care of some of the metahumans, he was by my side talking to me so I wouldn't feel so lonely or sleeping in the chair in the corner of the room. I didn't blame him; he's had a long night.

As I started to feel more and more like myself again, it started to remind me that Hunter was the person that did this to me. He almost took my life away in one of the worst ways possible; the way that he had claimed was pathetic and not a real way of revenge. It made me wonder if he really wanted me to die, or if I was just some sort of distraction from something more.

But if there was one thing I knew, it was that I needed to talk to him. I wanted to make him suffer for doing this to me, but I knew that just being here with Barry and the others was enough to do that. We're going to beat him...we have to. I just can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes that I was on the winning side all along.

"Knock, knock," I hear someone say as I turn my head away from the TV, seeing Iris standing in the doorway with two cups in her hand. "How are you feeling?"

I sit up and throw my legs over the side of the bed, my thigh for the most part completely healed. I threw a fit about having to stay in that medical room, so I convinced them that I was well enough to stay in my own room, which was where I was now.

"Better now that Cisco saved the day," I half smile as she takes a few steps inside, steam rolling off the top of the two cups she had in her hand. "I really thought I was a goner there."

She gives me a sad look before thinking of something positive to say. "Well, putting your life in the hands of the people here was a good choice. They're the best I know."

I simply nod my head as silence wraps around us, but only for a moment. Quite frankly, I thought it was a little odd of Iris to show up here; I mean, we weren't enemies, but we weren't exactly friends either. She's always been kind to me, so I guess that was what mattered.

"I thought after an event like that you could use something hot to drink," she grins as she walks over to me, holding her hand out to hand me the cup.

I stare at it for a moment. "It's not coffee, is it?"

"Hot Chocolate," she smiles warmly. "Mines the coffee. Barry told me that you weren't that big of a fan. Besides, the hot chocolate from Jitters is to die for."

I take the cup from her hand, feeling it's warmth radiate through my hands and to the rest of my body. Iris takes a sip of her coffee as I take a drink of the hot chocolate, and she was right. It had to be the best hot chocolate I've ever had before.

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