A special moment for both

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She turned to her sister on her right. "Ah, soon it will be our turn to dance." She said that because almost none of the knights or royalty were taking part in the round dances favored by the peasantry.

The music changed. Almost immediately Count Alexander was before her. "My lady, may I request the honor of a dance?"

"Of course," she answered, taking his hand. She and he were among the first, but soon there were a large number of couples dancing together. Cara at first paid close attention to her feet so that she would not miss a step, but as her confidence grew, she looked around at the others. She noted that Evie was with Richard, and then she caught sight of Justin dancing as well-with the dark haired girl with the attractive red sleeves that flared out as she spun with him. Interested, she let her eyes come back to Justin as she turned with the count. She noted he danced well, surprising for one whom she would not have thought to have had lessons.

The dance ended, and the count escorted her back. Cara scarcely had time to sit down when the next dance started. Now, Prince Trent stood in front of her. She was struck by his appearance. Tawny gold hair spilling over his ears, deep crimson vest over billowing white sleeves. He was dazzling, and she could not but smile at him when he asked her for the dance. She rose from her chair and took his hand. He led her to the floor. Cara was aware of her father, brother and Evie watching her, wanting her to be chosen by this man. And she, she had come to know him a little. She knew of his consideration for her on the trail. If he wanted her, this time she would not hold back. She looked into his eyes as they began to dance.

He held her in the dance position and his eyes met hers. "My lady, your beauty is dazzling tonight."

Cara smiled. She felt her beauty was only average, but she answered, "Thank you, my lord."

As they danced, she felt the power and grace of the man she faced, such that she seemed to fit right in with his step, two becoming one on the dance floor. "You are so easy to dance with," she said. "I feel I could do it in my sleep."

"Lessons. My mother insisted that one in my position must be proficient. I'm glad she did. But more than anything else, I believe it is the one with whom I am dancing that makes a difference."

"Your mother, is she well?" Cara asked, for if chosen she would likely be close to the prince's mother.

"Oh, yes, quite well. She speaks her mind to us all. It is my father whose health is our concern. He has the best doctors, but they don't seem to know what to do for him."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was the same with my mother, before she died." Cara realized she should not have said what she just said. She tried to fix it by saying, "I pray your father will fully recover."

She saw Trent turn away a moment, and then look closely at her. "Yes, that is what we hope for."

Cara felt that Trent very much loved his father, and that made her like him all the more. The dance ended, and he led her back. "I will come back for you soon," he said with a smile. "Don't go away."

As he walked from her, Cara thought to herself, I will be here when you come for me.

He did come back to her, more than once to dance. Count Alexander also danced with her, but ultimately, Trent came faster to where she was seated. The evening was passing, and although everyone seemed to be enjoying the music and the dancing, Cara felt restless.

Then, once again, Prince Trent asked her to dance. They went to the floor, but then Trent said to her. "Let us leave. I would like to talk to you."

She acquiesced, and they walked together from the great hall and to the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Cara noticed the almost full moon rising to the east above the trees and tendrils of wispy clouds that hung near it like lace. "A beautiful evening," she said.

"Ah, yes, beautiful and so much enhanced by your beauty."

"I have had the pleasure of enjoying your company, my prince, but I understand that soon you will go back to your people. To all those whom I have heard love you."

"Love. What is that from a stranger? From those who find something in my status, or in my bearing. It means little, Cara, almost nothing, for it is not for me, for the person I am. It is only an image of nobility that they hold."

"But isn't that what everyone wants, to be held in high esteem by others?"

"It is far better is to be held in such esteem by those who matter most. By people such as parents, close friends, and a woman who with free will chooses to become one's partner in life. They are the people who matter. The others scarcely know me."

"I see," said Cara. She had faced him, listening to him, but now she turned toward the rising moon. She turned back to the prince, and seeing that he still focused his attention on her said, "You are not like how I imagined people in high positions; I mean it seems to me that the adulation of your subjects matters little to you."

"The person who becomes my partner in life means far more than all the others."

Cara turned to face him directly. She saw that he looked at her, his eyes meeting hers, the sincerity of his words evident. She said to him, "Then you should choose well, my prince, for what you seek is more than just a woman to provide you with heirs. You want a woman who will be your confidant, your best friend, and your lover."

Cara regretted she had said the last word that came from her lips. She knew it came from reading the romantic novels her father didn't know about. She felt she had gone too far in voicing her thoughts. She turned away from the prince and looked at the floor, embarrassed.

Trent put his hands on her shoulders, facing her. She looked up at him. "That is it exactly," he said. "That is what I want."

"Really?" she said softly, looking into his eyes.

"Yes." She watched him go down in front of her, on one knee. "Will you consent to be my bride, my partner in life, my lover?"

Cara dropped to her knees to be at his level. Pushing aside the hair that had moved to partially cover his eyes, she knelt before him, face to face. "Yes, my lord. I will."

Things will be happening, but not only for Prince Trent and Lady Cara. First, their wedding banns must be posted for several weeks on the doors of the Cathedral. And before that, something else. I won't give it away. Better to surprise you, starting with the next part. Hope you are enjoying as the story continues.

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