Justin, and what she didn't say

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Despite Justin's precarious situation, seeming to hang in the balance between life and death, there was some good news. Cara had late in the evening of the previous day received a missive from Trent. In it he said that the enemy was no longer making forays or pressing forward in battle. In fact, it seemed to Trent that they were on the verge of abandoning their objective. He had no idea why.

 For that reason he needed to stay longer in a defensive position lest the Magyar lack of activity be some kind of a ruse. Such a tactic by an enemy was not unknown, but Trent expressed hope to Cara that  without further battles the war might be over. That was his hope. 

Cara reread his letter to her and smiled at how he had expressed, in their secret way, terms of endearment toward the end. Oh, how happy she would be if he could return home safely. Then they could once again be one happy family.

The first person she wanted to tell was Evie. Though her sister wanted the wedding of Richard and her to be done quickly so that they could live as man and wife, Cara thought she and he might be willing to wait a little longer if the Magyar threat was over. She went to her suite and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" her sister asked from inside.

"It is I, Cara."

"Oh, come on in, Cara. The door's not locked."

Cara entered and looking around saw that the apartment was rather in disarray. "Are you OK, Evie?"

Evie approached her and they hugged. "I'm fine," she said. "I know the place is a bit messy, but I was never one to have everything in order like you."

"I've got good news. Just got a letter from Trent. There has been no activity on the front. Because of that he thinks the Magyars may be leaving, not wanting to press on with the battle any further."

"Oh, that is good news! I wonder if Farkas was killed or badly wounded in the battle with Trent and the knights. That could explain it."

"Yes, yes, that or something else we know nothing of. Anyway, with Trent and his men likely to come home, don't you think it would be better to put off the wedding a little longer?"

Evie sat down on her divan, seemingly troubled. At first, she didn't say anything. Then, in what seemed to be exasperation she spoke. "Wait again, always wait. If we keep waiting, whenever will Richard and I ever going to be married?"

Cara joined her, the two of them sitting on the divan. "Oh, Evie, I know it's hard for you. But just think, if Trent thinks the end of the battle is in sight, then you and Richard can have your grand wedding. Furthermore, if the Magyar threat is over our father and brother will be able to come to join us for the ceremony. Wouldn't that be far better?"

Evie sighed. She took Cara's hand in hers. She looked her sister in the eye. "Cara, you know how I am. I want to do everything right away and I am not at all good at waiting. I would love it if our father and brother could come. Furthermore, having Richard's parents and close friends there would also be special to both of us."

Cara eyed her sister. "Yes, yes, that is so true, Evie. So, then you and Richard would seriously consider waiting a little while longer?"

Evie sighed once again. She had her head down and said nothing. Cara sensed something was wrong. "Evie, what is it? Tell me."

Evie raised her head to again look at her sister. Cara could see that her eyes held tears. "What is the matter, Evie?" she asked.

"I can't tell you!" Evie blurted out.

Cara put an arm around Evie. She could tell she was upset. She waited for what seemed like minutes for Evie to say more.

"I can't tell you," Evie repeated.

Cara stood up from the sofa. She looked down at her sister. "Evie, I know something is bothering you. I will leave you for now." She started walking to the door but turned and said, "Evie, you know you can always talk to me. I mean if there is something that should be held close just between the two of us I can do that. Evie, you know I love you." She looked back on her sister one last time before leaving.

As she exited, Cara had the feeling that Evie was holding something back from her. She didn't know what, but something. As she continued to think of what had transpired,  she couldn't imagine what it might be. Shaking her head at her inability to understand Evie, she thought it would be a good time to visit Justin, especially as  the babysitter was taking care of Brendan and Kirah. 

Cara knew that Gianna  spent much of the day and part of the nights at Justin's bedside. She  had told her that Justin was awake more often, though still not talking at all. Cara knew it distressed Gianna that there was so little improvement. The doctors were caring for him, of course, changing his position, trying to have him eat some liquid foods, etc. but they could tell Gianna nothing about his future. Cara sympathized with her and also felt deep concern for Justin. But she was unable to leave the children to visit him very often.

She walked through the hallway and down the stairs toward the operations center. She could tell before she entered that things were quiet, no sickly person talking loudly, in pain, or even crying as sometimes happened. She went towards Justin's room and two older women whom she didn't know were just leaving from there. Gianna was there as usual. Cara hoped so much for her sake and for Justin that he would recover. Sitting down on the chair next to her, she raised her hand a little in greeting, meeting Gianna's sorrowful eyes. Softly, she asked, "Any change?"

"No," she said, "not much."

Cara and Gianna sat at quietly at Justin's bedside. All was still, and they looked at Justin by the light of the single candle on the wall above him. Gianna leaned over to clasp Justin's hand. She was ready to leave. She had already been there with him for quite some time. Holding his hand, She silently prayed for him. Gianna's eyes were closed, but not Cara's. As she looked at Justin she saw that his eyes were once again open. "Justin," she said.

"Yes, my lady?" he answered.

Gianna, whose eyes had been closed in prayer turned to Cara. "Did Justin just say something?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes," Cara answered, not even looking at her but fixing her eyes on Justin. "Justin, can you hear me?" she asked.

"Of course I can hear you," Justin answered. "I am not deaf."

At that, Gianna looked down at Justin. "Justin, are you at last awake? Can you hear me?"
"Of course I can hear you, my love."
""Justin, you have been very sick. We were afraid for you."

"I am fine," he answered. But where are my clothes? What am I doing in this bed? From the sun trying to shine through the drapes it must be near noon."

"Justin!" uttered Gianna. "Justin." She bent down to him, reaching to take him in her embrace.

As Cara watched, Justin's arms came up, returning her embrace.  "Gianna, I've got to get up," he said. "What am I doing in bed at this time of the day?"

Though amazed at his seeming recovery,  Cara soon left his room. She wanted Gianna to be alone with Justin. She could hardly believe that now at last he was awake and seemingly fully conscious.

But she needed to get back to her children. She exited the operations center to return to her suite. Justin amazed her. But the one who was still on her mind as she opened the door to her apartment was Evie. What was it that Evie was not willing to tell her?

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