An angry woman

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Then, Trent noticed his mother looking at him. He sensed immediately that she was angry. Furthermore, with her finger she signaled him to come to her. Reluctantly, he left Cara's side to go to his mother. Something seemed terribly wrong. She exited their bedroom door and once on the other side of it she told him exactly what was on her mind.

"Trent, I know it has been a long time since you have seen Cara. I understand that you wanted to come here even though she is in labor. But now, you must go! It is unseemly that a man should be here when a woman is giving birth. I thought you had the sense to know that. Surely you do, don't you?"

Trent looked at his mother, and yes, he had remembered something about how a man must wait until after the baby is born. Yes, he did remember that. It was not a law or was it? One of those unwritten rules? But Trent knew himself to be one who didn't follow every convention. He also knew that Cara, the most important person in his life, wanted him there. "Mother, maybe there is some rule about a man not being with his wife during birth. I don't really know as I have not considered it as this is my, our first child. All I know is that Cara seems to want me to be near her at this special time in life."

"Trent, you are king, and so nothing will happen to you if you violate the sanctity of Cara's delivery. If you were someone else you could be fined or worse. If you care for nothing else, think how it will give bad example to the men of the kingdom for word of it will certainly get out. Think of that, Trent, and leave Cara with women who care for her and who are trained in the delivery of her baby. My son, you do not belong in the delivery room."

Trent could not help but notice how his mother had spoken so earnestly as she stood close to him and looked directly into his eyes. Yet his will was to be with Cara. "Mother, if there was any doubt about it I would leave. But I know, regardless of any rules, that Cara wants me to be with her."

Trent saw that his mother was put off by his words. Words she didn't want to hear. "Son," she said, "for a man to be present when a woman's most intimate parts are exposed is not good, to say the least. There is a reason why men have never been welcome at a time like this. Besides, a baby does not come out all clean and pink. No, not at all, they come out with fluids and blood. They and their mother must be cleaned up before it is time for a man to see. It is not easy, but we women know this and expect it. Then, Trent, it will not be so long afterward for you. At that time let Cara present to you your beautiful child for your inspection."

To all his mother's pleading, Trent only shook his head from side to side in a definite no. He understood exactly what his mother was saying. That having a baby is not the prettiest thing in the world. But by now he was a seasoned fighter who had seen on the battleground far too much of blood and guts. If any man would be appalled by what he saw when a woman gives birth it would not be he.

For Trent, his only consideration was Cara. If she wanted him to be with her he would be there. If not, he would wait outside. He told his mother that in so many words. She walked away from him shaking her head. He followed her into the delivery room, he and Cara's bedroom, and went to be near his wife. As he walked in he again saw the eyes of all the women on him, but ignoring them he went to be by Cara. He realized immediately that she was having another contraction, and kneeling beside her he put a hand on her arm and spoke calm, soothing words into her ear. He was glad when she opened her eyes and through her pain smiled at him.

When it was over, he asked her. "Cara, would you like me to be here when you give birth to our son?" He waited for her answer. Cara looked at the women present there with her. Elke, close by the bed sitting on a chair, Gianna, also close, the midwife and her youngest assistant who was no more than a girl in age. Cara knew it was never expected that a man should be with his wife when she give birth. Yet despite everything, despite what anyone might think, she wanted him to be with her. Softly, she said to him, "Trent, yes. Please stay with me."

Trent cared little what the other women in the room thought. But he did look at his mother who was standing nearby with her arms crossed in front of her. He didn't know if she had heard Cara's words asking him to stay. Then, his mother put her arms down, and almost imperceptibly nodded her head. Was it a yes? Trent thought so. Trent knew that she wasn't particularly happy about it, but now she seemed to be accepting of Cara's wish. It had all happened quickly, and now everyone knew that Trent would be one of those staying until the very end when their baby was born.

Cara felt another contraction, a hard one and the midwife came to her, "My lady, let's see how you are doing. She checked her, and with a smile announced to Cara and to all, "It won't be long now. Your body is opening up to deliver this baby!"

Hey guys, know this is a bit short, but no worry. So much is going to be happening in what is coming that I didn't want to spoil it by splitting it up too much. Guess you can see that long ago it was considered wrong for a man to be there when his wife was giving birth. Think there will be a surprise for you in what is coming. Anyone have any suggestions for baby names? Please let me know if you do. Cara and Trent think it is going to be a boy but midwives can sometimes be mistaken. Especially as there was no ultrasound back then.

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