She would be brave

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"My dear husband, Trent, my king, my love,

It has been so long since I have seen you. All I can go by is the news that you and our army's extended stay has been necessary to fully conquer and push back the Vikings so that they will never again threaten our kingdom again. I know, oh how I know it is a worthy goal. Worthy of you and of our army. But, my husband, it is hard for me. I miss you so much.

Of course you are fully aware of our baby. I understand one doesn't run a kingdom based on when a child will be born. Yet because it is our own baby, a son as the midwife says, more than anything I want you to be here when he is born. I need you. Especially in the approaching hour to come. My husband, I am afraid that I am not very brave. I know, since time immemorial women have given birth. Yet you and I know that women have died in childbirth. Trent, I am afraid. Maybe I am not strong like you. That is why if there is any way possible, if you can be here when our son is born I would be so happy.

Trent, I love you so much, but I know that you have to do what is best for our kingdom, for our people. I send this letter to you with all my love. Trent, be safe. Take every precaution against danger. Come home to me as soon as you are able.


Cara gave the letter to a special courier, one that only served royalty. She felt it would be safe with him. The time for her delivery was drawing nearer. Her one wish was that Trent could be there. Oh, she knew even a king was not to be in the delivery room itself. That is, unless there was an emergency. Not until the baby was born and then she could have the midwife or one of her maids hold it up to him for his approval. Ah, yes, she so looked forward to that time.

But she worried too. So many things could go wrong. Women died giving birth. Babies died. Not hers! God, not hers! Cara again admitted to herself that she wasn't very brave. She knew Trent was somewhere at the edge of the kingdom even now fighting the enemy. Maybe there was a much greater chance for him to be killed than for her to die. Her thoughts went to him. She prayed for him. She prayed for them both.

Now, with only a month left until her anticipated delivery, she was in confinement status. It was the time when royal ladies in waiting were in some ways catered to. She didn't have to do attend meetings so that she could keep abreast of news and the goings on of her kingdom and people. Actually, there was little at this time that was required of her. 

 Instead, she was confined, no that was not the right word, she was encouraged strongly to stay in her own room, one that was darkened supposedly to provide an environment for her child similar to the one he experienced within her womb. On the walls were hung paintings of the saints, and of little children, and especially of the Virgin Mary whose birthing of her special son was to be an inspiration for her. 

Yes, her thoughts should be pure, and she knew that the priest would come one day soon to hear her confession. He was the one man who would be expected to enter this woman's world that her suite and especially bedroom had become. It was a place where only women would be permitted to come, the midwife, her attendants and other women that Cara was acquainted with. A place generally off limits to men though a king could of course violate the unwritten rule.

Happily, Cara had made a friend, a good friend. Unlike her other friends, Gina, her handmaid and Gianna, Elke was married to a knight and had two small children. She was delightful, cheery and more importantly, unlike her other friends, had given birth to two children who were now aged one and three. She knew what the experience was like.

Rather than spend almost all of her time within her suite, Cara would have preferred to be out and about, that was her nature, but on the other hand, to be treated as a woman in a delicate condition and to have people cater to her every whim was rather pleasant. She enjoyed reading and now she had much more time for it.

The very next day a letter came to her. It was from Trent. Cara was amazed. She knew there was no way he could have received hers so soon and responded. When it was delivered, she saw it was from him, she could tell by his lettering, and she took it in her hands with joy. Then she put it in a safe place where she could read it at night when alone.

At last, she was left to herself. The last of her women visitors, Wanda, one of the midwife's aides, said goodnight to her, and blowing out the single candle near her bed quietly departed. Cara rose immediately, relit the candle and then very quietly latched the door. She didn't want the guard immediately outside her room to know. She had had enough visitors for one day and now wanted only to read Trent's letter.

My dear Cara, my queen, my love,

You would not believe how much I have missed you since leaving your side. How long the nights have been. It is seldom that I do not think of you except in the heat of battle or when planning our next course of action against this detestable enemy. Each day, when I wake up I hope that it will be one less day until you are in my arms once more.

Unfortunately, the enemy is obstinate and has not given ground easily. We have had to root them out for they fight even from within the towns thus making our expedition all the harder and time consuming then if they had the courage to face us on open ground. Nevertheless, we are making progress and I don't think it will be long until we have decisively defeated these men from the north.

Cara I think of you, knowing that now you must be full with our child. It is my utmost hope that I will be back before your time has come, for the birth of our son will be my proudest moment. My greatest sorrow is that I cannot in our present situation leave to be at your side. However it cheers me to know that soon we will be together and that then it will be not two but three, you, me, and our son.


Cara had tears when reading Trent's letter. She suddenly felt stronger, knowing he was here in spirit with her and that he would ere long return. She would deliver this baby, she would nurse their son and the midwife would hand him to his father. This is the way it should be. Yes, she thought, she was like every other woman before her since the beginning of time, conceiving and bringing forth new life. Making history. And she and Trent, like so many before her, would be gazing into the eyes of their newborn child. Cara wiped another tear from her eye. She would do this with courage. Soon, she would be a mother.

Do hope you have enjoyed this part. You may be able to guess what might happen next but will there be any surprises? 

Glad that today childbirth is far less dangerous than in the past.

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