Chapter 2.

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Rashad's Pov

"Shad where you headed?" my best friend Chris asked me.

"Man I'm on my way to Mr. Bronson class, he gonna reveal what grade we got on that pop quiz."

"Fat Mr. Bronson?" he asked


"Man I had his class last semester, this nigga eat every 10 minutes like he got snacks stored in his desk."

"Man you wild as fuck" I laughed.

"You can't tell me it's not true though."

"Man you a fool. I'll hit you up later." I told him walking into class.

Finding my way to my seat, I looked at the assignment on the board. I sat down took out my books and got started on my work.

My phone flashed signaling that someone sent me an iMessage, I looked down at the contact and noticed Monique's name.

I looked down smiling at the message, I'm not gonna reply back just yet cause that's not my girl

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I looked down smiling at the message, I'm not gonna reply back just yet cause that's not my girl. I put my phone down and noticed someone replied back to what I wrote on the desk yesterday.

"Hello bored nice to meet you."She wrote back, I chuckled to myself finding it cute.

"Lol nice to meet you to" I wrote back.

"Ladies and gentleman I got y'all scores from yesterday." Mr. Bronson announced. "After class you can come up and check them out." He then gave a lecture about what we should expect this up and coming month, I on the other hand was to busy looking at the time to get the hell up out of here.

The bell finally rang and everyone went to check their scores. I searched for my name and seen I had a 87 percent B, the lord works in mysterious ways. I headed out to my next class.

Towards the end of the day I made my way the apartment Chris and stay at. Entering the room I seen my roommate wasn't here, I laid on my bed finally answering back to Monique's message.

I laid on my back looking up at the ceiling thinking about what I'm going to do after graduation. My parents sent me to school to be a Doctor, but in my heart i want to be a photographer.

I just wish my parents and I could see eye to eye about my career but I guess they just want what's best for me. Running my hands down my face I got up and decided on meeting up with Chris to get something to eat.

I shot him a text saying let's meet up at Chillis on West Colonial Dr. I grabbed my keys and made my way out.

Parking in front of the restaurant I waited on Chris to arrive.

"So you just gonna comment on other bitches post now?"

"It's not even like that." I heard Chris say.

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