Chapter 26

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Heey Everyone 👋🏾😆
I don't really have anything to talk about soo... 😂😂

Searching for Love 😝➡️

Aria's Pov.

It's been a couple days since I last seen or talked to Rashad, ever since the the lady came up to us showing pictures and telling us she's his aunt he's been really distant.

Chris lives with him and he's even distant with Chris, he hasn't even been to class either. Good thing Mr. Bronson hasn't been handing out pop quizzes or test. But I mean it's shocking news to know your real parents died, and it makes sense because Rashad adoptive parents look nothing like him.

Because when I first met them things were kinda off, and they didn't have the same last name so things kinda made sense.

Right now I'm getting some things out the car for Rashad, I had stopped by Wal-mart and picked up a few things. Walking up to their apartment door, I knocked a few times until I came faced with Chris.

"Yes Aria." He pulled me into a hug.

"Happy to see you too." I laughed walking in setting the things in the kitchen. "How's he doing?" I asked.

"So so." He shakes his hand.

"Has he been eating?"

"Yeah but not regularly." He grabbed his keys.

"Oh. Where you headed?" I asked.

"I'm gonna go get an oil change in the car."

"Alright, I'll see you later." I locked the door after he headed out, I grabbed some of the things I brought and made my way to Rashad's room.

"Babe." I knocked but no answer. I simply opened the door and found Rashad sitting there looking at the tv with no interest. His head turned my way but not a word came out his mouth.

I walked over to his bed and sat somethings on his night stand. "I got you some stuff." I sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you." His voice came out deeper than usual.

"Rashad talk to me I hate seeing you like this." I grabbed his hand.
He looked at me not knowing what to say. "Please." I sat in front of him completely. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat before talking.

"My parents are dead." He looked breath out.

"I know I'm sorry." I still held his hand.

"Here I'm thinking their alive and they didn't want me." He swallowed.

"Don't say that." My eyes started getting glossy.

"And to think I'm the cause of their death." A tear rolled down his eye.

"Rashad I don't want you to think like that." He looked down not not looking at me. "Rashad please." I held his face looking him in the eyes. Every time I look at him on his eyes I can feel his energy and right now it's not to good.

"Don't blame yourself for your parents death, I did it once before and I don't want you to go through that." Tears began to roll down my eyes.

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