Chapter 22

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Searching for Love 🖖🏾⬇️

Rashad's Pov.

"Yes dad." Aria sighed on the phone. I glanced at her for a quick second trying to see what's wrong. But it looks like she's aggravated with her dad at the moment.
"Ok see you in a little bit." She hung up.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

"Yeah. He just wanted me to pick up some things at Walmart before we get there." She shrugged. Ever since we left my house for Thanksgiving she's been a little off due to my dad acting like a total jerk towards her, but at this point I don't really care what he thinks I like Aria and there's nothing he can do to change that.

He always wanted me to be with a doctor after my last relationship which ended a couple years ago. But Aria is not a doctor and he's gonna have to live with the fact that I like her and that's final.

"Rashad you heard me?"


"I said turn here." She pointed to a neighborhood Walmart. Doing what she said I turned in and found a parking spot. We got out the car and walked in, feeling the cold air hit my body made me shiver a bit.

"What he wanted you to get?" I asked walking behind her.

"He said wine."

"You told me your dad don't drink."

"He don't. So I don't know what this is all about." Walking down the aisle I grabbed two bottles Sher Va wine.

"Those are expensive."

"It's ok. A gift from me to your dad." Shaking her head we walked over to the checkout line. The line was pretty long even though thanksgiving was yesterday.

"Would you smash her?" I heard.

"Is that even a question? Of course." I heard another say. Not to far behind me I heard a couple boys talking about Aria.

"Ass fat in them tights." I pretended to turn around to look for something and they looked like a couple of high school boys, seniors if I wanted to be technical.
"I don't think she got a nigga, go talk to her." One encouraged the other, surprisingly Aria didn't hear them.

Pinching Aria's butt she turned around swatting my hand away.

"Stop that hurt." She laughed.

"Gimmie a kiss." I told her.



"Kiss me so everyone know your mines." I looked down at her.

"Where's this coming from?" She laughed looking around.

"Just kiss me." I said leaning down to her level. For some reason with no hesitation she leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed me. The kiss was sweet and slow, since my other hand was free I gripped on her butt earning a smile from her.

She pulled away pecking my lips one more time, she then took the bottle of wine out my hand giving it to the cashier. Turning around I seen the boys standing there in shock.

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