Chapter 24

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Hello my readers 👋🏾
I know y'all see we close to 4K 😝
I see we have some new readers and they show mad love ❤️ thank you 😘
To all my undercover readers show yourselfs 👀 vote 👍🏾 comment 💬 do something 😩❗️
But for real We wanna know who y'all are and know your feedback 🙂

Don't Zoie look like a snack?😋😋

Enough talking 🖖🏾⬇️

Aria's Pov

"Overall his mother was really happy to finally meet me, she was kinda off at first but sweet." Zoie said flipping through the channels.

"That's good." I smiled at her. "My dad likes Rashad by the way."

"Really?" She asked excited.

"Yeah. But I can't say the same about his father." I sighed.

"What you mean?"

"His dad thinks I'm with him for the money, and thinks I'm just like his last girlfriend."

"What the hell, that's not fair, did he at least try to get to know you?" She asked a little concerned.

"No not really."

"If I was there it would have been a different story." She gave me a look making me laugh.

"But its over I don't really care too much for it right about now." I looked at my phone. This is our last week of thanksgiving break and just as the boys promise we'll be at the Universal resort.

We all got back about 2 days ago, and been having fun ever since. It's just something about being with your close ones and enjoying each other's company is relaxing, at least to me.

Zoie and I wanted an hotel room to ourselves, she had her reason and I had mine. Her and Chris are still trying to do the no sex for a month, and me I just want to be a little distant from Rashad.

Only because of what happened a couple of days ago at my dads house. It's just every time I'm around him my hormones start acting up, and it's hard to control myself. Especially me being a 22 year old virgin.

"How long they been gone?" Zoie asked snapping me out of my thoughts. Looking at my phone it read 10:30pm.

"About 2 hours and a half."

"Looks like we need to take a trip downstairs." She got up grabbing her phone.

"Wait we can't go looking like this." I referred to our sleeping wear.

"I don't give a fuck." She grabbed her phone and our hotel room card and we made our to the elevator downstairs to the lobby.

Chris and Rashad told us they were gonna go downstairs to the bar and have a couple of drinks, but they haven't been back since. We made it to the lobby and looked around the bar.

I kind of felt uncomfortable because there were mostly guys, and looks like their attention was on Zoie and I due to our choice of attire. Finally finding the bar we looked around and couldn't find them.

"Excuse me have you seen two guys here named Chris and Rashad?" Zoie asked the bartender.

"Um they left about 15 minutes ago little lady."

"Thank you."

"So they might be in their room." I told her.

"Yeah come on let's go." Turning around we started walking towards the elevator and hoping on. Reaching the 7th floor we found their room, knocking a couple times Chris finally decided to open the door. He had a blank face expression before looking at what we were wearing.

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