Chapter 34

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Can we just say Thank you guys ❤️ we hit 8k reads and 1.1 votes and 500+ comments.We're so glad you guys are enjoying the book so far ☺️
And thank you for those who comments and votes, because we love to see the faces behind all the love we been getting ❣️

Ugh ❗️what else is there to say? 🤔

I've been writing in Aria's Pov lately so I'm sorry for those who been waiting for Rahasds Pov just wait... 😂

Oh yeah my birthday is coming up #Sheli 😜
Ya girl turning 17 🎈 on November 5th ♏️
But tbh with y'all I don't want to do nothing on my birthday 🤷🏾‍♀️

But yeaah... no more rambling on to the chapter ⬇️

Aria's Pov.

Tapping the pencil on my forehead over and over again trying to figure out what I want to do with this new design I've been thinking about. Lately I've been spending more of my free time making new designs and drawing some as well.

It's either I'm out with Zoie or stuck at home in my room doing homework or trying to figure out which fabric would go with which.

Just a couple days ago I replied back to Jean Paul's email accepting to move to France after graduation, that was a big step for me. Especially not being able to tell my dad about it, it's really hard walking around with a big secret that only Zoie know and not being able to tell him.

I tell him everything, I even told him about Rashad and I. I told him from the beginning to end and to be honest I'm surprised he took it well as if this was meant to happen. It's been about 3 weeks since Rashad's and I break up and so far so good.

I've been focusing more on me and my future now that I have all this free time. I must say it's hard to forget someone you use to talk to day and night, or you use to be around them so much and now you don't see them at all.

He tried contacting a couple times but I never picked up the phone or responded back to his text messages. Zoie told me he moved back in with Chris and that they are back on good terms.

His parents as well. Chris told me his parents are trying to compromise with him, basically meeting him half way in the situation. When Chris told me that I was low-key happy for him, maybe just maybe things may work out with him and his family.

Taking me out the my thoughts my phone began to ring, pulling it out the charger I seen Miracle Facetimeing me. I accepted the call and seen Miracles face all in the camera.

"Girl back up, face all in the camera." I laughed.

"I'm sorry." She laughed pulling away from the camera. "I thought my camera was cracked so I was looking at it to make sure it wasn't."

"Oh ok. I thought you were going crazy or something."

"Nah. How's it going?" She placed her phone on her desk so the angle could be right.

"I'm good. What about you?" I walked around my room.

"Bored out my mind." She sighed sitting on her bed looking at me with a straight face.

"Why you bored?." I laughed.

"It's not funny. Cause all I do is go to school, stay after for dance practice and go home and do homework."

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