Chapter 10

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What's Y'all 👋🏾
I got what y'all want 😂⬇️

Aria Pov.

"Good morning Sister Gina." I greeted her before walking into the sanctuary. Zoie and I walked in looking for seats.

"God don't put obstacles in your way for no reason." the Pastor preached. We finally found two seats towards the back. Zoie and I woke up late this morning so it looks like we only have time to hear the sermon.

"God don't put you through trials you can't handle." he yelled out jumping around.
"I don't care if it's a career your seeking, or people messing with your life, or better yet bad energy around you that don't mean you stop praying." he yelled pointing at a couple of people.

"Listen here people of the church. Don't give up on God because he won't give up on you."

"Amen." someone shouted out.

"I said don't give up on God because he won't give up on you." he repeated.

"Yes Pastor." some more people shouted out clapping their hand.

"I'm going to repeat it one last time." he stepped down from the alter walking around.

"Don't give on God because he won't give up on you!" everyone clapped saying Amen.
"Because he's what?" he shouted.

"Able!" Zoie shouted back.

"He's what!?"

"Able!" everyone shouted.

"Can I get a Amen?"

"Amen." we said back.

"We got any college students here this morning?" the Pastor asked looking around. We seen a couple stood up left and right, Zoie and I stood up also.

"It's coming." was all he said. "Don't worry about how's it's coming, or when just know God got y'all life planned and figured out." he pointed at every single last one of us. But he left his figure on me and Zoie a little bit longer giving us a wink.

Zoie held my hand getting very emotional, Zoie wants to make her mother and father proud. She grew up struggling not having much to eat, or having faithful friends. My
mother was loved helping people and I can never forget the day when Zoie first came to my house with a scared look on her face.

Her parents was getting deported back to Jamaica and she didn't have a guardian to look after her. So my mom step in and took care of her along with my father. Zoie is not just my best friend but my sister as well.

Church was over about 30 minutes later. I was talking to a couple of the sisters at the church when I seen Zoie giving a stank face to Stacy McCall. Quickly wrapping up the conversation I walked over to Zoie.

"You ready to go Zo" I nugged her shoulder looking at Stacy.

"Yeah right after this." she walked over to where Stacy was at.

"Zoie wait." I tried stopping her but she was already over there, so I followed her.

"Hey Zoie long time no see." Stacy greeted.

"Hi Stacy." Zoie faked smiled.

"What brings you here?"

"Well I came to church this morning to hear the lords message but I couldn't help but to see the look you were giving me a while go."

"Oh I wasn't giving you a look." she lied.


"So how's Chris?" she asked being petty.

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