Disaster Part 1

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                             Sunlight streams through the slit in the curtains of my bedroom. I groan before turning over away from it and falling out of bed. I grumble complaints at my luck and untangle myself from the bed sheets. My hand reaches up to the milk crate serving as my end table for my cell phone. I don't have any missed calls or texts so I drop it back onto the crate and get to my feet, suppressing a yawn. My feet shuffle across the beige carpet as I make my way to the bathroom to shower. I strip down and step into the hot water, washing away the sweat and bar grime from last night. I wrap a towel around myself before going to find clothing. In the plastic drawers across the room, I find a set of black lacy undergarments and put them on before moving the towel to wrap around my hair. I pull open another drawer and find a black pleated mini skirt, and a white t-shirt with a black under-breast vest. I dig in the last drawer and pull out a pair of black and white thigh high socks. I look at myself in the large floor mirror and grin. I like it. After applying black liner around my eyes and dark red lipstick, I dry my shoulder length white hair and leave it down. I got paid plenty last night for the bounty so I'll take the day off. I slide on a pair of white high top DCs and tuck my phone into the waistband of my skirt before going into the kitchen.
                                My stomach growls, so I open the fridge. It's completely empty. Of course. I'll have to go get groceries today I suppose, and I'll stop at a diner along the way for breakfast. I climb onto the counter to and reach into the cabinet in front of me to remove the false top. Taped to the top of the cabinet are two envelopes of money. I pull one down and take a handful of cash from it before replacing the false board. I shut the cabinet again and go into the bedroom again to find a mini backpack to carry for the day. I find a dark red one and toss the money inside along with my guns. I tuck my knife into my shoe and decide that I'm presentable enough to leave. I grab my keys from the hook and lock the door behind me.
                          It's bright and sunny today but cooler than it was yesterday. The storm pushed through overnight and got rid of the humidity. Now it's much more comfortable. I take a deep breath and wander down the streets toward the grocery store. A group of teens in blue blazers pass by and I notice the insignia on their chests. It's for some elite academy. It must be a school day. I haven't been to a school in a decent amount of time. A brief thought of the fun it may be flits through my mind, but is quickly smothered by the louder voice reminding me that I could never return to that life. I have blood on my hands and people would find out. I'd go to prison for a very, very long time. I silence all of those thoughts once I reach the diner. The bells above the door tinkle cheerfully as I walk in. The smells of coffee and pancakes reach my nose and I take a deep breath before taking a seat in a booth toward the back. After ordering coffee, French toast, and sausage, I sit back and stare listlessly out the window. Businessmen and women hurry along the sidewalks with their brief cases. Housewives are walking around with small children or bags of groceries. I don't notice many school age children around so my gaze flicks to the clock on the wall and realize it's about the end of lunchtime for them. The waitress comes by and places the plate in front of me along with a jar of maple syrup. I smile down at the food and cover it all in powdered sugar and gooey syrup. I take a bite and sigh in delight. I miss home cooked food. I usually buy instant food and put them in the microwave or oven. I finish my breakfast before paying and leaving a tip for the woman.
                        I step out onto the sidewalk and head toward the supermarket. I grab a shopping cart and push it through the aisles, knocking random things off the shelves that I may eat. Once I have a decent amount of food, I go to the checkout. The cashier is an overly perky college girl, one with a voice that could peel paint from the walls. The urge to strangle her seems really appealing to me, but I know that I can't do that. I hand her cash and she gives me change, her high pitched squeal of a voice wishing me a good day. I smile sweetly at her before grabbing my bags and starting to walk home. The streets are still slightly busy but emptier than usual since the schoolkids will be let out in a few minutes. My bags are slightly heavy but I manage them since I don't really have an option. I see my apartment complex coming up and feel relieved. I can put away my food and relax for once. I climb the stairs and make my way down the line of doors to mine.
                             What is waiting for me causes me to drop the bags instantly. I vaguely notice the sound of glass breaking in them, but I ignore it, staring in horror at the remains of my door. Someone broke it off of the hinges and it's now laying on the floor in my apartment. I leave my groceries behind and carefully make my way inside, reaching behind my back to pull the guns from my backpack. I keep one aimed in front of me, tucking the other in my waistband. I look around the living room for any signs of the intruder, forcing myself to not focus on the wreckage littering the floor. I move onto the kitchen, then my bedroom and bathroom. No one is here, but everything has been tossed around. Drawers emptied and tossed, pillows slashed open and stuffing strewn about. My bedding and living room furniture were all destroyed, but everything else seems to have survived. Panic courses through me when I notice the kitchen cabinet I'd kept my money in is open. I knock the few canned goods onto the floor and climb up. The board is still up there, but not how I'd left it. I toss it aside and see the envelopes still taped to the top. I rip them down and my heart drops. Someone took the money but left the envelopes behind. I had almost fifty million yen saved up there and now I have nothing. I scream in frustration and tear up the envelopes, tossing the remains to the floor. I tuck my guns back into my bag and rest my head on my knees. I just lost everything and I don't even know who did it. I sit there for what feels like days, just resting my head, racking my brain on the possibilities of who did it, feeling tears threatening to spill, but they won't. I finally pick my head up and notice a paper attached to the front of my fridge. I lean over and pull it off, holding it up to read it.
"'Sorry for trashing your place! Thank you for the money though, I was running low since I'd just come into town and all. I'm not staying long though. Places to go, things to see! Thanks Imouto. –Isamu.'"

A/N: There is a part 2 for this chapter, because it was over 2k words when I noticed it and I was only halfway done. Above is Isamu. 

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