Broken Bones

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                    I need to find a hit or something, I need to replace the money Isamu stole. Better yet, I need to track him down. He probably hasn't left the city yet, and knowing him he's probably blowing it on drugs and prostitutes. If that's the case, I know exactly where he would be. I cross the street and head toward the seedier part of town. I pass by a drug den where a man in the doorway gives me a look, inviting me inside. I shake my head and continue on. I'm not getting sold today. Isamu's usual hang out when he's in the city is coming up at the end of the block around the corner. Several voices echo through the alley I'm walking in front of and I involuntarily pause. Despite my knowing better, I've always been a bit too curious for my own good. I turn my head to find a group of seven men, two holding a baseball bat and a pipe. I turn and hurry my stride, hoping to avoid conflict.
                       A hand latches onto the loop of my backpack and knocks me to the ground. I roll over quickly and kick out at the attacker while reaching for my guns. The man with the bat steps forward and painfully jabs it into my chest to hold me against the concrete. The others circle me with menacing grins. This is exactly what I needed today...
"Hello there Princess. That's a nice backpack there. Same with the guns. How about you hand them over and we might not hurt you?" The tallest one says, obviously their leader. He smirks down at me while I scowl.
"Well boys, that hardly seems like a fair deal. Besides, if you want girls' clothing you could easily go to the nearest store and steal some. I got robbed earlier today so I have nothing of interest." I retort, fighting against the bat.
"You're lying." Hand them over Girlie."
I roll my eyes and sigh. "Honestly, you seem to have some hearing issues. I don't have anything."
                      The ring leader nods his head at the men before stepping back. The bat is removed and lifted over his head to be swung down at me. I lift the guns and train them at the closest people.
"Back away and no one gets hurt, alright Sweethearts?" I smirk, getting to my feet.
I'm still horribly, horribly outnumbered. They all raise their eyebrows at me, unimpressed by my bravado. As I start to back away from the group, my back bumps into their leader's chest and his arms circle around me. I lift a gun over my head and train it at his head upside down.
"You wouldn't want to do that, Love." He purrs in my ear.
"You wouldn't want to test me, Love." I spit back.
He laughs before yanking the guns from my hands and shoving me forward into the group.
                  I launch myself at their leader but his lackeys force me to kneel on the concrete as he aims my own guns at my head. I'm dead. This is wonderful. I swallow the growing pit of dread and lift my face so my bright red eyes are burning into his baby blues. If I'm going to die, I won't let him have the satisfaction of seeing my fear. He nods at the others before tucking my guns into his waistband. A swift kick to the ribs knocks the breath out of me as I fall onto my side. I close my eyes and curl up in a ball to accept my fate. Hit after hit rains down on me for what feels like an eternity. I bite my lip until it bleeds trying to block any sound from escaping. I won't let them have a chance to enjoy it. At some point the straps of my backpack are cut and it's lifted away from me. There goes everything I own.
                          When the hits stop, the sun is hiding behind the buildings. I cautiously open my eyes and uncurl myself a little bit. My body screams out in pain and I let a small whimper escape. Looking around, I find my guns and bag gone. Great. First my money, then my clothes, and now my precious guns. I slowly pick myself up and stretch my limbs, ignoring the pain. I definitely have a broken rib or two, and judging from the very unnatural angle of my forearm, my arm is broken. I decide not to deal with my brother in this condition and carefully make my way back toward the safer parts of town. If I can make it to my apartment I should have extra clothing and some first aid supplies. I can re-group and figure out what to do next. Atleast the day can't get much worse. A droplet of water hits my head and I scowl, glancing up to find the rain clouds hovering heavily over the city. Another droplet hits and in an instant, rain begins to pour in sheets. I let out a frustrated scream and continue on my way home. Now I know what the llama man from the Disney movie feels like. I should just stay quiet, even in my own thoughts, because I seem to draw bad luck lately...
                                I reach the apartment unbothered, but soaking wet. The door is no longer on the floor but it's not in place. I hurry inside and flip the light on. Everything is gone. My apartment is gone, like I'd never lived here.
I rush to the bedroom and pull back a piece of carpet where my bed used to be. I lift the piece of wood underneath to reveal the cubby hole I'd made. I had stored an entire outfit, two guns, and a small stash of money inside. I rip the outfit from the hole and toss it aside, only to find a note in place of the remaining items.
"'Imouto! I found this stash too! How'd you know I needed guns too? The outfit wasn't my style so I left it for you. Have fun! –Isamu'"
                      I shred the paper and punch the wall with my good hand before curling up around myself as the pain from the beating sets in fully. I need medical assistance, just a bandage wrap and a sling really. I can set the arm easily with a couple things I can find around town. I wonder if the man-lady and the crossdresser have any of these things.
I pick myself up and gingerly make my way down the walkway. I stop in front of the door and knock rapidly as if I were panicked. This should be fun. The door swings open and the man stares down at me in shock.
"Oh thank goodness! I wasn't sure if anyone was around! I'm one of your neighbors. I was mugged on my way home from work. Do you happen to have some bandages and a sling I could borrow until I can get to the doctor?" I rub my eyes as if I'd been crying and note his worried expression.
"Of course! Come in, come in! It's raining outside too. You poor thing! Oh Haruhiii!"
                        He lightly drags me into the kitchen and forces me to sit at the table. Haruhi, the brunette from earlier rushes in, her eyes widening at the sight of me. I shoot her a look that tells her to stay silent about today's earlier events.
"What's going on Dad?" She asks, shooting me a suspicious look.
"Our dear neighbor got attacked on her way home from work. Will you get the first aid kit and the sling to patch her up? I've got to get to work. You're welcome to stay here for the night! Take care of her Haruhi!" He waves goodbye and leaves the apartment before we can say anything edgewise.
My eyes cut to Haruhi and she fixes a mistrusting glare in my direction.
"Why are you here?" She asks finally.
"Look Kid, the landlord cleaned out my place or something and as you can tell, I have a broken arm. I need a wooden spoon, a towel, a large book, a bandage wrap and a sling."
She arches her brow and I sigh and make shooing motions.
Haruhi returns a few minutes later with the wrap, sling, and book and places them on the table before grabbing the spoon and towel. I wrap the towel around the spoon and put my broken arm on the table.
"Now, I'm going to need your assistance. When I tell you to, I want you to slam the book down on my arm as hard as you can."
"Just do it."
                          I put the towel in my mouth and brace myself before nodding at her. She lifts the book and closes her eyes tightly before bringing the book down on my forearm. A loud crack echoes through the kitchen and I hold back a scream as I bite down on the towel. Once the pain fades a little, I remove the towel and set it on the table.
"Do you have anything I can use as a splint?"
"You can keep the spoon. We've got several of them."
I nod and have her hold it and the start of the bandage as I tightly wind it around my arm until I reach my elbow. Once it's secured, I take the sling and put it on.
"So, what happened to you?" She asks.
"Have you heard the expression 'Curiosity killed the cat'? Well, curiosity gets you mugged and beat down if you're me. Thanks for the help, Kid. I'm going to... go kill my brother or get drunk. I don't know..."
I get to my feet and head toward the door, my mind cycling through my available options.
"I'm going to regret this, I'm sure, but you can stay on the couch here if you want."
She calls out, scratching the back of her head as she looks at me.
"Sleep on the streets after getting drunk and killing my brother... or stay in an apartment with a goodie-goodie little school girl? Ah hell, I can get drunk and kill him later. Do you have anything to eat?"     

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