Phone Call

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 I wake up early at the main Ootori home and sigh. It's been a couple of weeks since the trip to Karuizawa and I've yet to call my birth father. It's been eating away at me, to say the least. I call Honey to see about fighting with him again but he tells me that Tamaki wants the Host Club to observe a commoner department store and that they'd be over in a few minutes to get Kyoya and I. He offers for us to fight later and I accept that. In the meantime I'll escape that mess Tamaki set up and I'll go for a walk instead. I take a quick shower and dress in a pair of bright blue skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I take my Roses from their hidden compartment in my room and tuck them into the false bottom of my backpack. Thankfully Shay had smaller guns so they're not as bulky as they could be. I swing the bag over my shoulders then pull my hair back into a pony tail. My roots are starting to show but I don't have the urge to cover them up. I may pick up some bleach and hair dye that closely resembles my natural color from the picture while I'm out. Out of all the colors my hair has been, I've never been light brown or blonde. I pocket my cell phone and scribble a note on a sticky pad for Kyoya. I explain that I went for a walk and would return soon and tell him to have fun with the Hosts. He's not the best person to wake up but I'm sure the guys will figure that out.

After sneaking into Kyoya's room and putting the note on top of his glasses, I make my way through the ridiculously large home and out into the yard. I have about five minutes to disappear before the Hosts arrive. I know it'll take just about that length of time to reach the end of the drive so I'll duck up into a tree at the end of it and wait for their car to pass. I may not use my sneaking skills anymore for criminal purposes but I should still practice them when possible. I put my earphones in and start to play music from my phone. I hum the words as I walk along the stone drive then notice a car coming up in the distance. I thought I had more time. I rush over to the closest tree in the line along the drive and scramble up it until I'm covered by the foliage. The car slows down near the tree and one of the back windows rolls down. I notice Kaoru's eyes wandering around the area before he shrugs.

"I could've swore that I saw Aka-chan."

I guess I'll always be Akahana to the Hosts. Kyoya is the only one that calls me Mia really and I'm still getting used to that. The car pulls away and I wait for it to get further away before getting down and weaving through the trees since they might see me otherwise. I make it to the end and head toward town. They'll be fighting Kyoya for a while I imagine.

Halfway between town and home, I feel as if my phone weighs a ton. I can't ignore the fact that it's sitting in my pocket with my father's number in it. The Host Club had already passed by earlier when I hid behind a bush, so I don't have to worry about encountering them and being swept up in their nonsense. I mentally figure out the time for California and realize that he would likely be awake but I don't know if he will be home if he has a job. I force back my nerves and pull my phone out of my pocket. My finger hovers over the call button underneath the contact for James Costanza. I let out a sigh before quickly jabbing the button before I can change my mind. The urge to hang up as it rings tries to take over but I push it back. Perhaps he won't answer and it won't matter anyway.

"Hello?" A male voice answers, stopping the ringing sound.

"Oh, uh, hi." I stutter out. "I-Is this James Costanza?"

"Yes, who is this?" He asks.

"I-I, this may come as a shock to you, but t-this is Mia."

"Mia? Is this some kind of joke? I'm sick of calls like this. People calling, claiming to be my long lost daughter."


The call ends and I choke back a sob. I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't that. I sink down to the ground on the edge of the road and rest my forehead on my knees as I let myself cry. Daniel took me away from my mother and father and I can't remember them anymore. My mother died and I'll never remember her and my father thinks I'm a liar. I'll never have my family and it's all his fault. I hiccup and wipe away my tears, likely smearing my make up as well. I press the call button again and take a deep breath to calm myself.


"Please, just listen, just for a second." I beg him.

He agrees but his voice carries an annoyed and disbelieving tone.

"I remember sitting beside you in front of an upright piano. The wall was golden yellow. You had red framed glasses. I was wearing a light blue sundress."

He's silent and I wonder if he hung up but he finally speaks.


"I-It's me. I'm sorry I didn't find you before... I had no memory of my past until recently. I still don't remember much but I wanted to atleast tell you that I'm alive." I explain as tears start to trail down my cheeks.

"Where are you? How are you alive? Who took you?" He asks rapidly. "Connor! Call the police department, it's her!" He calls out to someone else.

"I'm in Japan, I'm safe." I assure him, then my call-waiting beeps in. "Oh, I've got to go. I'll come to California soon, okay?"

"Wait Mia-"

"I'll explain everything then, okay?"

I click the call over to Haruhi.

"Kyoya is looking for you. He left his phone at home."

"Tell him I'll be there in a few minutes and that we need to discuss something." 

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