Boxers or Briefs

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                    The cat slips out of Isamu's grasp with a grumpy hiss and I take my opportunity to lunge at him again. He reacts quickly and grabs my forearms and my body is sent skittering back across the concrete. I hiss at the pain from him grabbing my broken arm and get to my feet. The twins are still in the warehouse but they did move toward the door out of my way. Isamu runs toward me and I duck his punch before trying to sweep his legs. He jumps that and brings his knee up to my face. I can't dodge it so I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself for the pain that I know is coming. I fall backward as the pain sets in and I can feel blood pouring from my nose. I swipe my arm under my nose and glare up at my brother.
"Was this such a bright idea Little Sister? I taught you everything you know, so you should know you can't beat me."
"Why did you come back here? Why did you take everything away from me?" I ask, getting to my feet again.
"I hadn't seen you in a while I thought I'd pay you a visit. Of course I needed some money and you had some. And of course I wanted the Roses and you had those too." He answers with a shrug.
"You can't just take everything because you want it!" I growl.
                                  Isamu laughs and kicks out at me, forcing me to bend backward to avoid it. I reach up with my good arm and latch onto his leg and shove him back and knock him down. Before he fully hits the floor, I sit on his stomach and wrap my fingers around his throat. As I start to squeeze on his windpipe, he thrashes underneath me and swings wildly. Behind me I can hear the twins talking but I couldn't concentrate on what they're saying. Isamu manages to turn us over and his fists strike my face repeatedly and his anger is rolling over us in waves. I'm so screwed. I keep my eyes closed and try to punch him through his hits. I feel my fist hit him somewhere and his attacks pause. I use the moment to my advantage and swing again, making sure the ring on my finger hits him in the temple. I watch gleefully as Isamu collapses and I push him off of me. I get to my feet and find my guns resting on the couch near the cat. I reach out for them and the little demonic fluff ball hisses at me. I hiss back and snatch the guns away, putting them safely in the holsters on my thighs. As I pass by my brother's body, I kick him in the ribs a few times before heading toward the door. The twins flank my sides as I move past them and I resist the urge to snap at them.
                     When we exit the alley, I notice a sleek black car wavering in front of me at the curb. I shake my head and groan as everything starts to swim. He hit me pretty hard I guess. The door to the car opens and I try to turn away from it but the twins put their arms over my shoulders and steer me toward it.
"Let me go. I got what I wanted and let the two of you live so let me go." I order them through the pounding in my head.
"You look like you're about to-"
                        I wake up in a strange room on a bed with light blue sheets covering me. The rest of the furniture is sparse but looks very high end. My hand automatically goes to my thigh and realize my guns are gone. I sit up with wide eyes and have to pause as the blood rushes to my head. Once the spots fade I get to my feet and begin to search the room for my weapons. I don't know who's house I'm in or who took me, but I'm not doing anything without my guns. I pull open the top dresser drawer and hear the bedroom door open to my right.
"Looking for something?" That smug tone, I know who that is.
"Young Ootori, how nice to see you again." I sneer, turning to face him. "Do you happen to know the whereabouts of my guns?"
"Certainly not in my underwear drawer."
I look down and smirk, pulling out a pair of boxers. "I took you for a briefs guy."
I fling them at him like a rubberband and he scowls.
"I had your guns put away for everyone's safety. You can have them back later."
"Ootori, you're so naughty, you had to go up my skirt to get the guns from me. I knew you all must be sleeping with your little customers. Regardless, what is your name? Calling you Young Ootori is getting boring."
"Kyoya! Where are you? Oh, there you are... The scary lady is awake! Run away!"
I look past 'Kyoya' to find Tamaki staring at me from the doorway, his skin paper white. I grin and wiggle my fingers at him, making him scream like a girl before disappearing.
"Kyoya is it? Nice name. I much prefer it over Ootori." I purr as I walk toward him. "Now, Kyoya, where are my guns?"
                          Kyoya refused to hand over my guns and it led to me trying to attack him. He caught my broken arm again and that stopped me from trying again. At his request and promise of food, I follow him through the house and down to the kitchen. The Host Club, of course, is settled around the kitchen eating and talking. The conversations cease as I enter and Tamaki not-so-subtly ducks behind Haruhi. I ignore all of the looks and grab one of the bagels from the countertop. As I eat I notice the twins staring at me like they wanted to say something but aren't.
"Speak twins or hold your peace."
"You and your brother looked so cool fighting. It reminded us of Honey and Mori-senpai."
"I'm sure street fighting isn't anything like actual martial arts." I mutter, remembering the brief run-down Haruhi had given me when I stayed with her.
"We could teach you martial arts- uh, I'm sorry, I don't know your name." The young looking one says, pouting at the end.
"Is that your real name or an alias?" Kyoya asks from my side.
"The world may never know." I slip down from the countertop and ask the boy for my guns so I could leave.
"Before you go, I'm going to fix your arm."
"Like hell you are."
"Let him do it Aka-chan, we just don't want you hurting." Honey chimes in.
I scoff and set a glare in Kyoya's direction.
"If you won't release my guns, I'll find them myself."
"I'd rather you not." 

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