Look Out

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Despite being free of my debts and connections to the Host Club I've still tagged along with Tamaki in order to give me something to do. I had recently helped Haruhi with some class event for Halloween and now I've got nothing to do except avoid Kyoya, which I'm fairly skilled at it seems. Staying with Tamaki wasn't the horror I imagined it to be, but it wasn't the same as being with Kyoya. Not that I cared about him or anything. I look up from my book as Mori stabs a door and everyone freaks out. I raise a brow and slink over to the group to investigate as whatever is going on might be better than this book. My eyes fall on a redheaded boy who lunges at Mori before falling to his knees in front of him. He starts wailing about wanting to make friends like Mori has and I snicker, drawing the redhead's attention. He glares up at me before it softens and his eyes widen.


"Hi Kasanoda." I mutter, smiling awkwardly as I start to back away.

"I've been looking for you."

"Oh, really..." I trail off, chuckling nervously as I back away faster, his footsteps matching mine. "How funny... You found me."

"Mi-chan how do you know him?" Honey asks.

"Well, you see, it's a funny story..."

"She saved my life and now I owe her a life debt." Kasanoda explains before I can.

"I told you, you don't owe me anything. I will consider us even if you leave me alone." I plead.

"But Lady Yui I owe it to you!"

"I'm not 'Lady' anything, just consider us even, it's been four years!" I rush over to Mori and remove Honey from his perch and take his place. "Mori, protect me. He's clingier than Tamaki."

After introductions and Kyoya's typical 'I looked into your personal life let's share it with everyone' conversation, I sneak down from Mori's shoulders and return to my spot by the window. As I return to my book, I listen to their conversation about turning Kasanoda into a nice guy. I roll my eyes and sigh. I met Ritsu Kasanoda four years ago after Shay died and Isamu tried to kill me. I didn't care about anything anymore and wanted to do something stupid so I could die without taking the coward's way out. So, I tried to infiltrate the Kasanoda Syndicate just for fun. Before I could do that, I spotted Ritsu getting attacked. There were twelve men fighting against him and I thought it would be a better way to die, going out fighting like Shay did. So I jumped into the fight blindly. To my surprise, I won. After that, he became obsessed with trying to pay me back by way of a life debt and started calling me Lady Yui. I finally ditched him when I changed identities a few months later but now he's back. I get to my feet and decide to go home to avoid whatever mess they're getting into. I inform Tamaki and he insists on having a car take me back since it's raining. I agree and thank him, choosing to wait for a few minutes before I go down to the front of the school.

"Mia, can we talk?"

I glance over to find Kyoya standing beside me. So much for being good at avoiding him. I need to pay more attention.

"No, we can't. I think everything was pretty much settled when you basically told me to get out." I mumble as I walk away.

His hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me back toward him.

"I'm sorry but my ride to Tamaki's is here." I pull my arm away and walk out.

As the car pulls away, I ignore the phone calls from Kyoya and sigh. I can't handle being around him anymore because it hurts but I'd never admit that. I watch my phone light up again and I feel my resolve breaking. As much as I can't stand him for what he did in LA, I can never hate him. My finger hovers over the button and I press it.

"Yes, Kyoya?"

"I understand that you're unhappy with me but I'd appreciate it if we could talk."

"I suppose I could handle that... When would you- hold on, I've got a text."

I pull the phone away and read the message to myself.

"'I'll see you soon Mia, watch out for that truck'... what the hell?"

I look around and spot a truck barreling out of a side road toward the car. I scream as the truck hits us and the car starts rolling.

I wake up with a massive headache and my entire body hurts. I groan as I lift my head and blink away the spots dancing across my vision. Once I can see, I look around to find myself in a warehouse, more specifically Shay's warehouse. I'm tied to a chair, hands and feet. He's smart, I'll give him that much. A door opens behind me and I hiss as the chair is pushed over and my head strikes the concrete.

"It's nice to see you too, Daniel."

His boots appear in my line of vision before he crouches down in front of me, his red eyes shining gleefully.

"Hello dear Mia. It's been a while."

"You hit my car with a truck!" I snap.

"To be fair, I did warn you."

"What do you want from me? I know you aren't my brother and that you kidnapped me when I was nine. Why would you need me anymore?"

"What I want from you is simple: I want you. Shay and I trained you so well it'd be a shame to lose that talent to your little rich friends."

"You didn't train me and leave Shay out of it." I growl.

"Shay didn't rescue us, Mia. She and I had been working together for years. She even helped make sure that we got to Japan safely. She technically bought you from me when I got her offer after I sold you to that couple. That's the only reason I 'rescued' you from them. Money talks."

My eyes widen. "You're a liar. Shay would never have done that!"

"Don't be so sure about that. Shay and I sold twenty kids over the years. Most of them I'd just dump with their new owners and take off but Shay was looking for someone to work with her so I stuck around after I left you with that couple. Everything you've ever known was a lie, Mia."

"Shut up! I learned who I really am and I'm not a criminal anymore."

"Ah, yes. I heard you went to see your Daddy Dearest. It's too bad that your mother died in that car accident last year. It was just tragic."

"How did you know about that?"

"Where do you think I was last year? Your mom wouldn't stop digging and managed to figure out that I'd taken another child and wouldn't back off. She was convinced that I took you as well so I had to take care of it. Too bad she was pregnant at the time."

"I'll kill you!" I shout, thrashing against the ropes. 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now