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                      Kyoya and I head home from the school, my mind blown by that girl's ignorance. She somehow swept the club members into some big idiotic movie showing the false personalities that she came up with. It ended with these guys shoving her for stereotyping them and Haruhi's contact fell out while she tried to keep Renge from getting hurt. Kyoya smashed the camera lens and said something about not showing the club involved in violence but I swear he pocketed the tape without anyone else noticing. I got left out of all of that mess because I'm not a true member, so I kicked back on the grass and attempted to get a little bit of sun.
"So why'd you pocket the tape?" I ask, turning my gaze from the window.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm a criminal. I notice things others don't. It's easy to slip something into your pocket without being spotted."
"We need more funds for the club. I'll edit out the violence and make a short film for the customers to buy."
"Sneaky. Do you ever have guys come into your club as customers? I know there has to be atleast one homosexual in your school."
"No, we haven't. We would properly accommodate them if the situation ever came to be."
"Aren't you so nice?" I mutter. "Why do you house the rest of the wait staff in the basement when you've given me my own room?"
"They are getting paid for their job and only are here for said job. You are unfortunately living with me for the time being."
"They should atleast be given rooms on an upper floor where there's proper heating and cooling."
"They have proper heating and cooling. Have you even been into the basement? It's just like the rest of the house."

I roll my eyes because I have been in the basement and it stays a bit colder there than in the house. There aren't any windows to let in fresh air or sunlight either. It reminds me of a jail cell.

                    We arrive at the house and Sayu and Misa tell me that I have to change and help with dinner and clean up, then we're done for the night unless called upon. I nod and duck into my room to change while Kyoya goes to do, well whatever he's going to do. It also seems that I'm going to be assigned to him in a way. I'm responsible for making sure he has what he wants or needs and is ready for each day and night. How pleasant. I wonder if the others are too nervous around him to handle it or if he selected me himself. Regardless, I find myself in the kitchen with the girls and two others rushing around to prepare a meal for Kyoya, his father and his brothers. Apparently the eldest brother is coming for his once a week business dinner with their father. Kyoya never made mention of having siblings but I'd already met his sister this morning. She must've left already. My only concern for this meal is the possibility of his father somehow recognizing me despite the hair and eye color change. If all else fails, I'll pull my guns from their hiding spots and control the situation. No worries, right? 

                 Sayu and Misa remind me to smile and be polite but not to talk unless offering more drink and don't make eye contact. I roll my eyes and sigh before pulling the most polite smile that I can muster. They tell me that it looks a bit cheesy but passable and we roll our carts out of the kitchen and into the formal dining room. Seated at the table are three dark haired men and a brunet. My eyes move to Kyoya's and I can feel the tension rolling off of him. He really wants to impress his father, that much is evident. He's the third son and the last in line to take over the Ootori Group. Sucks to be him. I glance at the father and quickly avert my eyes as I notice him staring at me. The girls and I move around the table, serving food and beverages to them before backing away and bowing. Ugh when I get out of this mess I'm going to murder Kyoya as revenge.

"Kyoya, who is she?"
I straighten immediately, knowing that their father is referring to me.
"She's the replacement for the little blonde girl that left. Her name is Yumi."
"She's quite the specimen isn't she? The hair color is unprofessional though." He comments.
"Yumi, dye your hair to a normal color after dinner service." Kyoya orders me.
It takes every ounce of self-control to not tell Kyoya to stuff it and I'd dye my hair pink.
"Yes Sir." I mutter instead.
"I think it looks nice on her, it brings out her eyes." One of the brother's says and I peek through my bangs to figure out which one. Judging by the height, I am guessing he's the middle brother.
"While she is under our employment, she will look neat and professional." Their father snaps, ending the further conversation about my hair. I then realize that he basically called me attractive. Ew.

                 After dinner is finished, the girls and I clear the table and clean it before heading back to let the other maids do the dishes. Immediately Sayu and Misa start gossiping about the 'drama' at dinner surrounding me and how I got a compliment from one of the Ootori boys. I wave it off and scowl, instead commenting on the fact that I'll have to go out into town to get hair bleach and dye for my hair and that I'd worked really hard on it. They abandon the compliment and instead start to name off different natural colors that would look good on me. I wave them off and head up to my room to change back into street clothes so that I can go to the store. I plan on walking since my maid hours are up for the night and it'll give me time to relax. As I reach the door, I hear a voice behind me.

"I'll accompany you to the store."
"I'll be fine Kyoya. Besides, I'm walking and I doubt your precious rich person muscles would make it that far. If you're concerned about me not returning, then keep in mind that I have left my whiskey in my room so I wouldn't leave that behind."
"I think I'll survive."

                 Against my instincts, I abandon the argument and allow Kyoya to leave with me. The sun had set not too long ago so the sidewalk is still radiating heat despite the falling temperature. We walk in silence and I breathe in the night air, already missing the rush as I stalked my prey. I sigh and kick at a pebble on the sidewalk, my high tops making a scuffling sound against the asphalt.

"You miss your freedom already, don't you?" He asks, his voice breaking the silence.
"Every second. I can feel the urge in my bones... It's just something you wouldn't understand."
"Describe it to me."
I look over at him through the curtain of my hair with a raised brow. No one ever asks anything like that, and with his attitude clashing with mine, I didn't think he of all people would ask.
"The night feels alive to me, like I can feel someone's pulse, but it's the pulse of the world itself. When the breeze moves through my hair it's as if it's breathing life into me. My senses tingle as if my body is going into overdrive. To me it's like I only see the sidewalks, grass, and trees. I don't see the buildings, walls, or barriers. The world is wide open to me that there's nothing in my way and nothing to stop me. The people are like ghosts that pass me by. It's just me, myself, and the Roses."
"Doesn't that get lonely?"
"Not when I have the Roses. When I have them, it's like I have her with me. People are terrible, I've never met one that didn't have something bad about them. Isn't it lonely in your big mansion with all of it's little rooms and once a week family meals?"
"Who is she?" He asks, changing the topic back to himself.
"She was the greatest person who ever lived."

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now