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Kyoya and I return to his house that evening, thoroughly exhausted due to the events of the day. The idiot blond and the twins triggered something in the water park that caused the water to swell and carry Honey away. That led to an adventure through the park in search of him. Haruhi and Mori ended up getting separated so we started to look for them as well. I got stuck with Kyoya in a painful and awkward silence. There were a lot of things I wanted to say to him but I didn't want to lose my temper and it wasn't the place for it. Now isn't even the place for it.

I brush past him and enter my room to change into street clothes. I want to go into town and stock up on some contraband junk food and maybe go to the park to clear my head. I step out of my closet dressed in a black skirt and a matching tank top, with a dark purple zip-up over it. I pull a pair of thigh high striped socks on and grab my black boots and small backpack. I grab my phone and tuck it into my jacket pocket before stepping out into the hall.

"Where are you going?"

I turn to find Kyoya leaning against his door. I sigh and stop to put on my boots.

"Out into town, nothing special, just getting out for a bit."

"Can I come with you?"

I quirk a brow as I look up at him.

"Why would you want to come with me? I'm just going walking in town. There's nothing to gain from you coming along."

"I have nothing else to do with my time."

I sigh and tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. "Hurry up."

Half an hour later, Kyoya and I are halfway between his house and town, walking alongside a grassy field. I let my hand drag across the blades of grass as my eyes focus on the stars. I take a deep breath of the night air and let a small smile cross my face. No matter what happens in my life, being outside at night makes it all feel better. I hear Kyoya let out a small chuckle and I turn to him for answers.

"The only times you've looked happy are when we walk to town."

"Because it's the only time I can feel free and like nothing can touch..." I trail off, my body tensing up as we pass an alley. "Step back, don't move or react, got it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Just do it." I hiss, my eyes glued to the alleyway.

A hand shoots out of the darkness and jerks me roughly into the alley. I pull back against it until we're sent tumbling backward under the glow of the streetlight. My head slams painfully against the asphalt and I blink back the stars flashing in my eyes. Once my vision clears, I swing at my attacker and it collides with his eye, sending him backward off of me. I notice Kyoya reaching for his cell phone and I subtly shake my head. The last thing I need is to be involved in a police situation in any way. I get to my feet and launch myself at the man that looks vaguely familiar to me. My eyes narrow dangerously as he blocks my hit and wraps a hand around my throat, lifting me off the ground. A flicker of movement to my left draws my attention and I snap at Kyoya to stay put.

"You work for him don't you?" I growl, facing the blond that's holding me.

"He told me to deliver a message. Isamu's decided that he wants to have you back by his side."

"Tell him how's it feel to want. I don't want anything to do with that low-life piece of scum!"

"Ah-ah, temper, temper Akahana." He coos, squeezing tighter for a second. "He told me you'd say something like that. He said that when you did, to let you know that you've got one month to come find him or he'll come for you."

"Tell him to go take a cactus and put it where the sun doesn't shine! I'm not going back to him and I won't let him take me." I choke out before bringing my knees to my chest and kicking him in the chest.

It breaks the hold on me and I land on the asphalt on my knees before jumping at him again. I straddle the man's waist and start to strike him repeatedly with my fists. I stop when I'm out of strength and he's almost unconscious.

"Send him a message for me: I'm not interested." I mutter as I get to my feet and walk back toward Kyoya.

"Your little rich friends won't be able to protect you!" He calls after me as we continue down the street.

Kyoya stays silent as we walk, to my surprise, and I stop at a convenience store to collect my junk food. I just want to get my food and pretend that didn't happen. As I fill my arms and part of Kyoya's with various drinks and snacks, I notice the clerk giving us strange looks. I hadn't looked at myself in the mirror, but I imagine that my hair is a mess and I'm covered in dirt, bruises, scratches, and probably blood. It's a drastic contrast to Kyoya's clean and proper appearance.

"Why are you buying all of this commoner junk?"

"Because it tastes delicious. You should try it sometime." I mutter as I try to decide between two American snack cakes.

"It all looks appalling." He replies.

"Ah shut up." I lead him to the counter where I place everything for the teen to scan and bag.

As I pay the man I notice a strange look on Kyoya's face.

"Yes, this is technically your money that became mine."

"Oh, are you two married?" The clerk asks and my eyes widen.

"No, I double crossed him on a deal and stole his money." I explain nonchalantly.

The boy looks mildly confused, as if he didn't know whether or not to take it as a joke. I smile at him as I grab the bags and we head back out into the night.

A/N: So, as it may be noticed by you lovely people, I've regained inspiration for this story, BUT I'm not sure on my end-game for it. :/

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now