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 The Host Club and I return to Japan two days later and I still hadn't heard from Kyoya. I have them drop me off in front of his estate and I wave goodbye as I start the walk up the drive. I reach the house and Misa and Sayu open the door. Their eyes widen before asking what I need. I remind them that I live here and I needed to talk to Kyoya. They tell me that Kyoya's not home and I push past them, knowing they're lying. I hear them protest and I ignore them as I dash up the stairs to his room. I push the door open without knocking and find him sitting on the couch. I shut the door and cross my arms over my chest.

"What the hell?"

"Your things are almost done being packed, you can have them shipped to your father's home in the morning."

"I'm not staying there with him! What's gotten into you? You left before I could even talk to you! You took off and left me in Los Angeles by myself! You swore you'd be by my side the whole time!"

"Your father told me about your phone calls arranging you moving back with him. I thought it best if you stayed with him so I returned to Japan so I can attend to my business." He tells me without looking up from his notebook.

"What phone calls? There were no phone calls! I didn't know anything about him wanting me to stay until after you left and I told him no and took off right after! I needed you and you were already on a stupid plane running away from this. I was lucky Tamaki answered the phone otherwise I would've been alone on the streets! I never wanted to stay with James, I wanted to stay here and be with you and the Hosts!"

"You said yourself that they were not your family and that James was. You need to be with your family."

I march over to him and rip the book from his hands, sending it skittering across the floor.

"Screw your stupid notebook right now! I'm not moving to the US, I'm staying in Japan. If you don't want me around anymore, that's your problem, but I've realized who my family is. They're James and the Hosts. I won't give up my family for anything. I'm staying in Japan whether you want me to or not. I'll stay out of your way if you stay out of mine."

I enter my old room and tell the people packing my belongings to get lost. Once they leave and the door is shut, I press my back against it and slide down to the floor. My anger has died away, leaving me sad and lost. I'm alone again. I pull out my phone and scroll through my contact list before stopping on Tamaki's name. I hesitate but decide to press the button to call him.

"Hey Tamaki, can I stay with you for a little while?"

He offers to send a car to pick me up but I tell him that I've got my own ride. Thankfully everything I own fits in two backpacks so I can take the motorcycle. Once my bags are settled on my back and I'm sure that everything is contained in them, I put the guns in their usual spots on my thighs and open the door to leave. Kyoya is standing in the doorway, his hand raised to knock. I scowl and push past him into the hall.


"Don't worry, I'll be out of your house in a matter of seconds so you won't have to deal with me anymore. Goodbye Kyoya."

I hear him start to say something but it dies on his lips as I hurry toward the staircase and out the door. My heart is hurting but I refuse to let him see it. I grab the helmet off the bike and put it on before swinging my leg over and turning it on, the engine roaring to life. I make sure to make the tires screech as I pull away and race down the streets toward Tamaki's house.

Tamaki is waiting for me on the front steps as I pull up and I park the motorcycle off to the side of the drive out of the way. I didn't tell him what happened between Kyoya and me but I can tell by the look on his face that he's concerned. After pulling off the helmet and getting off the bike, I walk over to him and nod a greeting.

"Thank you for letting me stay."

"It's not a problem, you're welcome here as long as you'd like. What happened with Kyoya? Was he happy to see you?"

I shoot him a look as we walk inside.

"If it went well do you think we'd be here right now? He was insistent that I should return to America to be with my father since you guys aren't my family and I belong there or some dribble like that. He claims my father told him that I had called to set up moving in with him before we went up there but it's not true. I told him that I'm staying in Japan whether he wants me to or not and that if he stayed out of my way I would stay out of his."

"Oh my poor daughter had her first break up! How tragic."

"Shut up Tamaki or I'll go stay with someone else."

"Let's get you settled in, okay?" He suggests as he latches onto my hand, ignoring my threat.

I allow him to drag me through the house and we stop in front of a door.

"This one is mine and yours is right here beside mine, in case you need anything."

"Thank you Tamaki. I'm going to get settled and take a nap."

Tamaki goes into his room and I go into my new bedroom, shutting the door behind me. It's nice and sparsely decorated, like my room back at Kyoya's. I set my bags down on the floor before tucking my guns safely in the bottom of them. I check my phone and find two missed calls from Kyoya and one from James. I close the phone and decide to ignore all of it and lay down on the bed, curled up in a ball. Maybe if I close my eyes long enough, when I open them all of this would be a dream. 

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now