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               It's been a little over a month since I've directly seen the Host Club. I've only seen them in passing every so often and made sure to avoid being seen by the Ootori. I know what I did was 'wrong' considering the help he had given me, but I didn't have the paper he wanted and he had something on me and I had nothing on him anymore. I needed the money. Regardless, this stupid cast should be gone by the end of the week. I stopped in a free clinic and they offered to remove it Friday afternoon. I'll be free to kick butt without restraint. With the money I had taken from Kyoya, I was able to rent another small apartment and hide the rest very well. I stayed under the radar for the most part, but I still managed to have my fun. I've been sneaking into a certain Academy during their club hours and disguised myself as a client to mess with people, Kyoya in particular. I'd subtly mess with things and leave little notes to taunt him. He annoys me so much I thought I'd return the favor. I'd stick around to watch as he found the things I'd left for him and watch his body tense as he searched for me. Wigs and contacts are easy to apply though, same as acquiring a female uniform.
               I make my way through the halls at Ouran Academy, my plain brown eyes scanning the students as I pass. Most cast curious glances or greet me with waves and smiles, thinking I'm a distant acquaintance or something. I never corrected them, just spun a vague story to concrete their thoughts. The less suspicion arose, the better off I am. I'd be a nuisance to have the police after me for trespassing. My gaze lands on a darkly clad figure with a cat puppet on his hand. I smile brightly at him and he waves in return. The boy's name was Nekozawa and he and I had a slight acquaintanceship. Well, he and 'Yumi' did. If I called myself Akahana, the club would know it was me. The club doors are open and I slip inside while everyone is occupied with their clients. Thankfully today they're not in cosplay so it isn't as awkward as usual. Everyone is present and accounted for, except my target. Where is the Ootori? I slip into the crowd of waiting girls and scan the room for him. A few moments later, the girls disperse to use their time with the boys, leaving me alone.
"Is there anything I can assist you with, Princess?"
I tense at the voice beside me but quickly compose myself before turning.
"No thank you. I'm merely observing so I can figure out which member I'd like to visit next time."
"Your jacket must be a nuisance, allow me to take it for you."
"No!" I offer a small smile and correct myself. "I mean, no thank you. I'm fine."
"I insist. It's no trouble."
                     Before I can stop him, Kyoya whisks my jacket off of my arm, exposing my cast. He looks down at me with a confident smirk before leading me from the room with his hand on my shoulder. To anyone else, it'd look like a friendly gesture, but the pressure on my shoulder is definitely not friendly. We stop in another empty room and he closes the door behind us, leaning against it casually. I offer a sly grin at him as I slowly back away toward the window.
"So, Ootori, it's been a while, hasn't it? No hard feelings, eh?"
"You broke our deal and took off with my money, so I apologize that there are 'hard feelings' as you put them."
"Well I apologize for your faith in a filthy commoner criminal. I can see it in your eyes, that's all you take me as." I retort, continuing my backward stroll.
"We're on the third floor, Akahana. If you attempt to leave through the window you're likely to either kill or further injure yourself."
I turn to face the windows and quickly see that he is right. There are no ledges or gutters nearby and it's a very painful drop to the ground.
"Since you've got the time, let's discuss a few things, shall we?" He says, and I can hear the smug tone in his voice.
I clench my fists and turn back around.
"As I've told you plenty of times in the past, I can end you quickly and I'm fairly certain I'm stronger than you. I can get past you with ease."
"Then why haven't you?" He challenges.
"You're going to be a real thorn in my side, aren't you?"
                     An hour later, I'm still stuck in the room with Kyoya, sending angry retorts back and forth. He wouldn't let me leave and I knew my luck would quickly run out if I attacked him and people found out I didn't belong, so I settled on sitting on the floor, the itchy uniform discarded for my street clothes underneath.
"So you decided to wear a wig, contacts, and the school uniform just to sneak into the academy and mess with us?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No. I decided to wear a wig, contacts, and the school uniform just to sneak into the academy and mess with you."
"Isamu is gone, requests are boring, and I have nothing better to do with my life. Besides, you annoy me to no end so I thought I'd return the favor."
"What if you had gotten caught by someone other than me?"
"So be it. I'd go to jail, then possibly be sentenced to death if they discovered my real identity and the crimes I've committed. No big deal." I mutter from my spot on the floor.
He arches a brow at my nonchalance. "You take the possibility of your death rather simply."
"If you live a life such as mine, knowing people and things such as the ones I know, you learn not to care. Life or death both mean nothing to me. If I were to live, either as a criminal or a normal person, no one would pay much notice to me. I'm not beautiful, smart, or anything of that nature, I hold no value to people and I've forever scorched my reputation. If I were to die, I would not be mourned because of my reputation and the way I hold myself. I am not a person to be loved or respected, just one to live and die as a fleeting image in people's minds. So I live my life carelessly, everything is done without plan or preparation so it's easier."
"That-" The door next to him swings open to reveal the remainder of the Host Club.
"We found you Kyoya, it took forever! Wha- oh..." Tamaki cuts off as he stares at me in horror.
"Hello little Tamaki." I croon, wiggling my fingers at him.
The blond squeaks in fear and tucks himself behind Mori. This will be pleasant.

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now