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  I watch people mill around the main area of Ouran Academy as the Ouran Fair gets in full swing. I'm here as an attendee since I'm don't go to the academy and I'm free of my burden. So far it's been boring, watching rich people run around chattering nonsense as the Hosts entertain them. I roll my eyes and steal a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and push away from the railing to search for Kyoya. Things aren't completely better between us after his admission but it's nice to be back to speaking terms. I'm still staying with Tamaki but I've spent my free time over the last week with Kyoya, attempting to work past both of our stubborn natures. I spot Kyoya in the crowd and part the people so I can get to him. Hobbling around with a boot on my foot isn't very easy to begin with, but adding a glass of champagne and snooty rich people, it's nearly impossible. I finally make it through the crowd in time to see Kyoya's father raising his hand toward him. My eyes widen and I rush forward and catch his hand, meeting his surprised expression with a glare.

"Don't you dare raise a hand to him."

"Mia, leave." Kyoya tells me without looking at me.

"Who do you think you are little girl? This doesn't concern you." Yoshio growls, glowering at me.

"I believe it does. Anything that involves my family, my friends, or my loved ones also involves me and I will fight to the death to protect those dear to me. Keep that in mind, Ootori Yoshio. As it stands, I'm sure that it would be devastating to your business if certain contracts with certain underground allies were to be leaked to the public. If you wish for things to remain silent and your little family to maintain their position in the world, I would suggest your lower your hand and walk away from this."

His eyes widen as he looks me over, trying to place me in his memories. I smirk, knowing that he won't be able to. He barely looked at me when I met with him to arrange the hit. He jerks his arm from my grip and glowers at me a final time as I lower my hand.

"I'm glad that we've come to an agreement, Mr. Ootori."

After getting scolded by Kyoya for interfering and threatening his father, I roll my eyes and leave him behind to wander the crowds again. I pull out my phone to check the time as I walk. Kyoya returned it to me after recovering it from the wreckage. I notice a missed call from my father so I step outside to call him back. It goes straight to voicemail so I leave a message explaining what I'm doing for the day and I'd call him again this evening. I hang up and realize that I've got company on either side of me. I sigh and ask the twins what they want.

"We saw you stand up for Kyoya-"

"-does that mean you two are back together?"

"No, we aren't. I just couldn't stand by while he did that." I explain as I lean back against the column. "Shouldn't you be entertaining?"

"We're taking a break." Hikaru tells me.

"You know, if you ever get tired of staying with Tamaki-"

"-you're more than welcome to share a bed with us." They croon as they smirk at me.

"There's a slight problem with your plan." Another voice cuts in.

We turn and my eyes widen. "Kaoru, Hikaru, go inside. Now."

"We're not leaving you with him." They argue back, glaring at Daniel as they foolishly try to block me from him with their bodies.

Daniel laughs as he pulls a gun out of his jacket and aims it at my forehead.

"Step aside or I'll kill her here and now."

"Move." I hiss, shoving them out of the way. "So Daniel, what do you want from me this time?"

"Come with me."

"And why would I do that?"

"Do it or I'll shoot the brats."

I sigh and stand beside him. Daniel reaches into his pocket and tosses a phone to Hikaru.

"No cops, no special forces, none of that. I'll call you with a meeting place. I want the dark haired punk with the glasses there."

With that, Daniel grabs a handful of my hair and presses the barrel of the pistol against my temple, then leads me away.

Daniel forces me into a waiting car and as we pull away from the school I sigh and snap at him to put the gun down. He lowers it but still keeps it in his hand. Smart man. I look out the window at the passing buildings before telling him that he's wasting his time if he thinks he's going to get anything out of Kyoya.

"He won't come, Daniel, and he won't use his money to get me out of whatever you're planning."

"Don't worry your pretty little head, Mia. He's going to show up." He smirks as he leans back against the seat across from me.

"What do you want from me? I thought I was dead the next time you saw me. If you wanted me dead, you would've simply shot me then and there if not before. I'm too old for you to sell for decent money... you know I'd never work for you so that's not your purpose either. So, what is it?"

"You'll see. I've got something very special planned for you."

I bring my foot up and kick his hand that's holding the gun and I move to catch it as it hits the ceiling of the car. Before I can do anything, my face is slammed against the floorboards as Daniel settles his weight on my back. He grabs a fistful of hair and forces my face to lift.

"Really, Mia? That was your grand attempt? You definitely need work."

"Oh, bite me."

"Hm, I hadn't really thought about that, but perhaps later."

I shudder at the thought and he chuckles.

"Now, I have to blindfold you and get you ready for the surprise. If you behave I'll give you a treat after all of this is over, okay?"

"I'm not a stupid child, offers of treats and surprises don't mean anything to me."

"Ah, well it's all the same to me, deal with it."

A cloth is pressed against my nose and mouth and I hold my breath to avoid it as long as possible.

"Come on Mia, cooperate." He chides before lightly bouncing on my back, knocking the air out of my lungs so I'll have to breathe in the chemicals. 

A/N: Sooo guys, What's In It For Me? should be complete within the next chapter or so! :) Yayy!!

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now