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 It's been a little over two weeks since the trip to the beach and I'd successfully managed to avoid any situations where I'd be alone with Kyoya. It wasn't quite what Haruhi had told me to do, but the looming thoughts of my brother coming around have made me keep my distance. I'd rather keep myself away from them on the chance that he'd try to hurt any of the Hosts to make me come with him. I doubt he will actually go through with the plan, but him tracking down my phone number was a little worrisome. I'll have to sneak through the Ootori home when I get the chance and track down my Roses. I'll tuck them under my clothing where they can't be seen, for protective purposes of course.

I raise a brow as my phone starts to chirp after the day's clients have left and the Host Club meeting has started. We'd somehow got caught up in helping Nekozawa connect with his little sister who feared him for his hatred of light. It was a big mess. A hollow feeling settles in my stomach as I realize who the message must be from, considering that everyone else is here. I close my eyes before pulling my phone out of my pocket. I open my eyes as I open the message.

'One week Imouto. I'll see you soon~'.

I mentally curse as I notice a picture attachment underneath the message. There I am, clear as day, sitting at my table, obviously hosting. I can't see the clients in the image so I can't pin it to anyone. My phone leaves my hand and I jolt, looking for the offender. It's the twins, of course.

"Give it back." I growl, glaring darkly at them.

"Ooh, is it a boyfriend? It's frowned upon to date while in the club, it makes the clients unhappy." Hikaru teases as he and Kaoru read the message to the group, to my horror.

"One week Imouto. I'll see you soon..." They trail off and turn to me. "Is that- Are you on good terms with him now?" They finally manage to choke out.

"Aka-chan has a brother?" Honey asks, looking at us, the meeting derailing and focusing on me now.

I can feel Kyoya's gaze burning into the side of my face but I refuse to meet his gaze. I snatch my phone back from the twins and tell Honey that it's none of his business.

"He was the guy that tried to have her killed when she got mugged and broke her arm. She fought with him when Hikaru and I decided to follow her that day."

"Why are you talking to him?" Hikaru asks.

"I'm not. We're not on good terms, we're not going to see each other." I grind out as I get to my feet.

"But it said-"

"I know what it said!" I snap, whirling around to face them. "I got attacked three weeks ago by one of his goons. Supposedly he has decided that he wants me to join up with him and gave me a month to find him or he'd find me. He somehow found my number and messaged me the morning we left Okinawa. He knew where I was then. He sent one last week with a picture of me at the market. He sent this one just now, he's got a goon in my clientele apparently."

"You can't go back to him Aka-chan!" Honey cries out, latching onto me.

"I don't plan on it, Kid." I tell him, patting his head. "I plan on kicking his ass if I see him again."

Kyoya and I enter his house after a silent ride home and walk together up to our rooms. I go to pass him and he lightly grabs my arm to stop me. He asks if he could speak to me in my room in a few minutes and I nod before going in to change. A knock on my door draws my attention as I pull my hair back into a pony tail. I call for him to enter and he shuts the door before leaning against the wall. I wait for him to speak while my own words fight to escape.

"I'd like to talk about Okinawa." He says finally.

"I do as well. What do you want to discuss?"

"I didn't mean to kiss you that night."

A flicker of disappointment courses through me and I nod.

"Uh, that's good." Smooth. Why does it hurt that he said that.

"I don't know why I did it, so I apologize for inconveniencing you like that."

I nod again. "It's alright. Is there anything else?"

"That's all." He pushes up his glasses and I notice a look in his eye like he's hiding something but I dare not ask about it.

"Can I negotiate the return of my guns? I don't plan to use them on anyone, but I would appreciate the extra protection during this looming threat from Isamu."

"I suppose, as long as they stay holstered at all times and hidden. Once the threat has passed I will take them again though."

He leaves the room briefly and returns with a small case containing my guns. As I take them into my hands a small smile flits across my face as I touch the roses etched into them. I thank him and he excuses himself to do his schoolwork. I roll onto my stomach on my bed and pull out my phone. Disappointment and sadness threaten to take over and I bite my lip to hold it back as I press the call button. Haruhi picks up, asking what I needed. I sigh and relay what Kyoya had said. I know she knows who I'm referring to but I still refuse to voice his name. It would make things too real. She apologizes for misinterpreting his actions then begins to theorize other possibilities. I cut her off and tell her not to worry about it, as it wasn't a wise decision to get myself involved in anyway. I hang up a few minutes later and sigh.

"How stupid was I, to think that I could like someone like him and that he would like me in return?" I mutter to myself, laughing bitterly afterward.

I sit up and my eyes widen slightly as I notice the figure leaning against the doorway. Perhaps he hadn't heard.

"So you have feelings for someone? Who is it?" He asks, sounding smug.

I curse under my breath. He definitely heard.

"It's none of your concern." I tell him before fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt as a distraction.

"Oh, but I believe it is."

I peek up to find him standing very close to me, his grey eyes burning into mine. My breath hitches as a strange feeling takes over my stomach, akin to holding a butterfly in your hands.

"And why should I tell you? What's in it for me?" I ask defiantly.

He doesn't answer with words, but quickly closes the space between us, capturing my lips with his own. The butterfly feeling intensifies as my mouth moves with his and I find myself gently laying back on the mattress with him above me. Reality hits me with a sledgehammer and I break the kiss, pushing him off of me and sitting up.

"Why do you keep doing that? You kiss me then apologize! Ten minutes ago you literally told me that you didn't mean it when you kissed me in Okinawa. Stop kissing me unless you mean it! I told you before that you've been messing with my head and here you go again doing it. Haruhi thought it was because you liked me but then you said you didn't mean to do it. I told her that you must have something to gain from stringing me along because why would you bother otherwise? So what is it Kyoya?" I vent, feeling the weight lifting off my chest as I voice my confusion.

"I have something to gain from it, but I'm not stringing you along." He says as he straightens his glasses.

"What could you possibly gain from it?" I ask, fearful of his response.


A/N: AkaYoya has sailed! Terrible ship name but give me a break, it's been a long day. Do you all have ship names for them or alternate ships for Akahana? Let me know! Sorry for the filler-y stuff lately but the next chapter is action-y for sure. :3

What's In It For Me? *OHSHC* (Kyoya x OC) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now