Homecoming Pt 2

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  Unable to reach Kyoya, I try one of the other Hosts. I manage to reach Tamaki and I hold back a sob as he answers the phone. I take a deep breath to stop the tears and swallow the lump in my throat. He asks if I'm still there and I choke out a 'yes' as I wipe my hand across my face.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"N-No. I'm fine... I couldn't get Kyoya to answer the phone..."

"Where are you?" He asks.

"I- uh," I scan the street sign I'm standing underneath. "The corner of First and Main."

"I'll be right there."

"Where's Kyoya?"

"Just stay there, okay?"

Before I can say something else, he hangs up. I sigh and try to call Kyoya again but it goes straight to voicemail.

Tamaki arrives a few minutes later and I hug him as soon as he steps out of the car, my unshed tears finally fall. He tenses before hugging me back, his hand running through my hair as he soothes me. He guides me to the car and I pull away from him as the car takes off. I wipe at my face and apologize for blubbering. He assures me that it's fine and I ask again about Kyoya but he brushes it aside and asks what happened to make me cry. I assure him that it's nothing and he falls silent. When we reach the hotel I go to enter my room to see Kyoya but Tamaki pulls me toward the one he's sharing with the Hosts instead.

"Why won't you answer my questions about Kyoya? Why won't you let me go to my room? Where is he?" I ask, pulling away.

He sighs and scratches the back of his head.

"Kyoya went back to Japan."

My eyes widen. "What? Why?"

"He said that you were going to be staying with your father here in LA and that he had things to take care of back home. He said that he'd send your belongings and you were free from the debt."

"I'm not going to stay with my father. I ran away from that house when James tried to tell me I was staying. I want to be in Japan, with Kyoya, with you guys. I don't want to lose Kyoya. Call him, please. Tell him I'm not staying!"

"I'll see if I can get a hold of him but I don't know if he will answer."

Tamaki pulls his phone out and I desperately wait for his response. He hangs up and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry Mia."

"Call him again."

"Mia, he's on the plane."

"Call him again!"

"It won't go through, he's probably on the plane."

"Then I need to go to the airport, I need to go after him."

"You'll never get there in time Mia. He left half an hour ago."

"Airports take forever and we're in a major US city, traffic will be terrible. You have to have a little faith Tamaki." I call out as I rush toward the service stairs.

After securing a ride from a guy on a motorcycle, I reach the airport in ten minutes and rush inside. Of course I have to be careful not to get stopped by security. I search the crowds for Kyoya but don't see him. I fumble through my wallet for the private runway card Kyoya gave me and rush over to the kiosk. I ask if the plane left yet and the attendant apologizes and says that it just left.

"Stop the plane, tell it to come back." I tell her.

"I can't do that, I'm sorry."

"Come on Mia, let's go back to the hotel."

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